TY - BOOK AU - Pal,Palash B. TI - An introductory course of particle physics SN - 9781482216981 U1 - 539.72 PY - 2015/// CY - Boca Raton PB - CRC KW - Particles (Nuclear physics) N1 - "A Chapman & Hall book."; Includes bibliographical references (pages 772-774) and index; Scope of Particle Physics What are elementary particles? Inventory of Elementary Fermions Which Properties? Fundamental Interactions High Energy Physics Relativity and Quantum Theory Natural Units Plan of the book Relativistic Kinematics Lorentz Transformation Equations Vectors and Tensors on Spacetime Velocity, Momentum and Energy Covariance Invariances and Conservation Laws Kinematics of Decays Kinematics of Scattering Processes Symmetries and Groups The Role of Symmetries Group Theory Examples and Classification Generators Representations Lorentz Group Poincare Group A brisk Tour of Quantum Field Theory Motivating quantum fields Plane wave solutions Lagrangian Making Lorentz Invariants with Fields Lagrangians for Free Fields Noether Currents and Charges Quantum Fields as Operators States Interactions From Lagrangian to Feynman rules Calculation of Decay Rates Calculation of Cross-Sections Differential Decay Rates and Cross-Sections Feynman Diagrams Which Do Not Represent Physical Amplitudes Quantum Electrodynamics Gauge Invariance Interaction Vertex Elastic Scattering at Second Order Inelastic Scattering at Second Order Scalar QED Multi-Photon States Higher Order Effects Parity and Charge Conjugation Discrete Symmetries in Classical Electrodynamics Parity Transformation of Fields Charge Conjugation Parity Properties of Particle States Charge Conjugation Properties of Particle States Multi-Photon States Positronium Parity Assignment of Different Particles Signature of Parity Violation Consequences of Charge Conjugation Symmetry CP Symmetry Time-Reversal and CPT Symmetries Anti-Unitary Operators Time Reversal Transformation on Fields CPT Transformation on Fields CPT Theorem Consequences of CPT Symmetry Time Reversal Transformation on States Signature of Time Reversal Violation Isospin Nuclear Energy Levels Isospin Symmetry Pions Isospin Relations G-parity Generalized Pauli Principle Isospin and Quarks Pion-Nucleon InteractionIsospin breakingBaryon NumberDiscovering Particles Discoveries of Electron, Proton and Neutron New Particles in Cosmic Rays Accelerators Detectors Hadronic Zoo Detecting Short-Lived Particles Discovering Leptons Overview of Particle Physics Experiments SU(3) quark modelStrange quark Hypercharge SU(3) Mesons from three flavors of quarks Baryons from three flavors of quarks U-spin and V -spin SU(3) breaking and mass relations Electromagnetic properties in SU(3) Decays of hadrons Summary of conservation laws Color Non-Abelian Gauge Theories Local SU(N) invariance Gauge fields Self-interaction of gauge bosons Fadeev-Popov ghosts Interaction of gauge bosons with other particles Quantum Chromodynamics SU(3) of Color Running Parameters QCD Lagrangian Perturbative QCD The 1/N expansion Lattice Gauge Theory Confinement Asymptotic Properties of Color Gauge Fields Structure of hadrons Electron-Proton Elastic Scattering Deep Inelastic Scattering Structure Functions and Charge Distribution Scaling Partons Parton Distribution Functions Parton Distribution and Cross-Section Fragmentation Scale Dependence of Parton Distribution Quark Masses Glueballs Fermi Theory of Weak Interactions Four-Fermion Interaction Helicity and Chirality Fierz Transformations Elastic Neutrino-Electron Scattering Inelastic Neutrino-Electron Scattering Muon and Tau Decay Parity Violation Problems with Fermi Theory Intermediate Vector Bosons Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking Examples of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking Goldstone Theorem Interaction of Goldstone Bosons Higgs Mechanism Standard Electroweak Model with Leptons Chiral Fermions and Internal Symmetries Leptons and the Gauge Group Symmetry Breaking Gauge Interaction of Fermions Yukawa Sector Connection with Fermi Theory Forward-Backward Asymmetry Electroweak Interaction of Hadrons Quarks in Standard Model Gauge Interaction of Quarks CKM Matrix and Its Parametrization Yukawa Interaction of quarks Leptonic decays of Mesons Spin and Parity of Hadronic Currents Selection Rules for Charged Currents Semileptonic Decays of Mesons Neutral Kaons Processes Involving Baryons Global symmetries of standard model Accidental symmetries Approximate symmetries Chiral symmetries Anomalies Bosons of Standard Model Interactions among Bosons Decay of Gauge BosonsScattering of Gauge Bosons Equivalence Theorem Custodial Symmetry Loop Corrections Higgs Boson Hadrons Involving Heavy Quark Flavors Charm Quark and Charmed Hadrons Bottom Quark Neutral Meson-Antimeson Systems Top Quark Quark Masses Heavy Quark Effective Theory CP Violation CP Violation and Complex Parameters Kobayashi-Maskawa Theory of CP Violation Rephasing Invariant FormulationCP-Violating Decays of Kaons Other Signals of CP Violation Unitarity Triangle CP Violation and T Violation Strong CP Problem Neutrino Mass and Lepton Mixing Simple Extension of Standard Model Neutrino Oscillation Majorana Fermions Consequences of Lepton Mixing Lepton Number Violation Models of Neutrino Mass Beyond the Standard Model Shortcomings of Standard ModelLeft-Right Symmetric Model Grand Unified Theories Horizontal Symmetry SupersymmetryHigher Dimensional Theories String Theory AppendicesA Units and Constants B Short summary of particle properties C Timeline of major advances in particle physics D Properties of spacetime E Clebsch-Gordan co-efficients F Dirac matrices and spinors G Evaluation of loop integrals H Feynman rules for standard model I Books and other reviews J Answers to ER -