Pierotti, Raymond

Indigenous Knowledge, Ecology, and Evolutionary Biology/ - New York: Routledge, 2010.

Introduction 1. Defining Traditional Ecological Knowledge
2. All Things Are Connected: Communities as Both Ecological and Social Entities in Indigenous American Thought
3. Predators Not Prey: "Wolves of Creation" Rather Than "Lambs of God"
4. Metaphors and Models: Indigenous Knowledge and Evolutionary Ecology
5. Cultural and Biological Creation and the Concept of Relatedness
6. Applying Principles of TEK within the Western Scientific Tradition
7. Connected to the Land: Nature and Spirit in Native American Novels
8. Ecological Indians: European Imaginations and Indigenous Reality
9. A Critical Comment on Both Western Science and Indigenous Responses to the Western Scientific Tradition
10. Who Speaks for the Buffalo? Finding the Indigenous in Academia
11. Traditional Ecological Knowledge: The Third Alternative


Social Sciences