The Informal Economy in Developing Countries/ - New York: Routledge, 2014.

Part 1.
1. Labor Informality and Poverty in Latin America. The Case of Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Peru
2. Working in the Informal Sector: A Free Choice or an Obligation? An Analysis of Job Satisfaction in Vietnam
3. Intergenerational Transmission of Self-Employed Atatus in the Informal Sector: A Constrained Choice or better Income Prospects? Evidence from Seven West-African Countries
4. Integration of Formal and Informal Sectors in Craft Villages of the Red River Delta (Vietnam)
5. Social Insurance and Informal Economy in Vietnam: The Challenge of an Universal Coverage

Part 2.
6. Efficiency of Informal Production Units and its Determinants: Applying the Quantile Regression Method in the Case of Antananarivo
7. Estimating the Returns to Education in the Informal Sector : The Case of Cameroon
8. Does Corruption Matter for Informal Sector Economic Performance? Microdata Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
9. Does forced Solidarity Hamper Entrepreneurial Activity? Evidence from Seven West-African Countries
10. The Political Economy of Micro Entrepreneurship: Why Does Microcredit Fail to Promote Self-Employment in Rural South-India?

Part 3.
11. Informal versus Formal: A Panel Data Analysis of Earnings Gaps in Madagascar
12. Do limits exist to informality growth in South America? A preliminary exploration
13. Long term dynamic of the Labour market in Thailand: Transitions between the Formal and Informal Sectors
14. Dynamics of Informal Microenterprises and Poverty in Peru: A Panel Approach
15. Informality, Crisis and Public Policies in Vietnam


Hispanic Studies