Cypher, James M.

The Process of Economic Development/ - New York: Routledge, 2014.

Part I: An Overview of Economic Development
1. The Development Imperative
2. Measuring Economic Growth and Development
3. Development in Historical Perspective

Part II: Theories of Development and Underdevelopment
4. Classical and Neoclassical Theories
5. Developmentalist Theories of Economic Development
6. Heterodox Theories of Economic Development

Part III: The Structural Transformation
7. The State as a Potential Agent of Transformation
8. Endogenous Growth Theories and New Strategies for Development
9. The Initial Structural Transformation
10. Strategy Switching and Industrial Policies
11. Agriculture and Development
12. Population, Education and Human Capital
13. Technology and Development

Part IV: Problems and Issues
14. Transnational Corporations and Economic Development
15. Macroeconomic Equilibrium
16. The Debt Problem and Development
17. International Institutional Linkages


Development Studies
Development Theory