Carter, Hazel

Creating Effective Community Partnerships for School Improvement/ - New York: Routledge, 2013.

Chapter 1: Issues Facing Educators

Chapter 2: Identifying Key Constituents as Partners

Chapter 3: Creating Structures for Community Involvement

Chapter 4: High School Bound: Transitioning From Middle School to High School

Chapter 5: Bridging the Gaps: Higher Education Institutions and the School System

Chapter 6: Parents and Community Building in Urban Areas

Chapter 7: Private Foundations in School/College Partnerships

Chapter 8: The Importance of the Classroom Teacher And Support Staff In Collaborative Programs

Chapter 9: The Collaborative Leader and Partnership Building

Chapter 10: Keeping Students on Track: Customization through Collaboration

Chapter 11: Building Community through Professional Development

Chapter 12: Some Concluding Thoughts

