Education, Equality and Human Rights/ - New York: Routledge, 2012.

1. Introduction: human rights, equality and education - Mike Cole
2. Unfinished business: women still unequal after forty years- Jane Kelly
3. Gender and education: continuity and difference- Jane Martin
4. Racism in the UK: change and continuity- Mike Cole
5. Racism and education: from Empire to ConDem.- Mike Cole
6. The making of sexualities: sexuality, identity and equality- Simon Forrest and Viv Ellis
7. Straight talking: challenges in teaching and learning about sexuality and homophobia in schools- Simon Forrest
8. The struggle for disability- Richard Rieser
9. Inclusive education: a human right- Richard Rieser
10. Social class, Marxism and twenty-first century socialism- Mike Cole
11. Social class and schooling: differentiation or democracy?- Richard Hatcher

