Runge, Jürgen

African Palaeoenvironments and Geomorphic Landscape Evolution: Palaeoecology of Africa Vol. 30, An International Yearbook of Landscape Evolution and Palaeoenvironments/ - London: Taylor & Francis, 2010.

Chapter 1 | 8 pages
How it all began—Eduard van Zinderen Bakker and Palaeoecology of Africa
By —Klaus Heine

Chapter 2 | 18 pages
Reconstructing environmental changes since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in the Geba Basin, Northern Ethiopia, by geomorphic process interpretation and land management evaluation
By —Jan Moeyersons, Jean Poesen, Jan Nyssen, Jozef Deckers & Mitiku Haile

Chapter 3 | 26 pages
Climate reconstructions based on fluvial deposits in hyper-arid desert environments: The Namib case
By —Klaus Heine

Chapter 4 | 26 pages
A sedimentary record of environmental change at Tsodilo Hills White Paintings Rock Shelter, Northwest Kalahari Desert, Botswana
By —Andrew H. Ivester, George A. Brook, Lawrence H. Robbins, Alec C. Campbell, Michael L. Murphy & Eugene Marais

Chapter 5 | 28 pages
Ecosystem change during MIS 4 and early MIS 3: Evidence from Middle Stone Age sites in South Africa
By —Grant Hall & Stephan Woodborne

Chapter 6 | 28 pages
The potential of Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Restionaceae phytoliths to reflect past environmental conditions in South Africa
By —Carlos E. Cordova & Louis Scott

Chapter 7 | 16 pages
Topographic and hydrologic control of gully erosion phenomena in palaeolandscapes of Swaziland, Southern Africa
By —Samanta Pelacani & Michael Märker

Chapter 8 | 14 pages
Gypsum in desert soils, subsurface crusts and host sediments (Western Desert of Egypt)
By —Ashraf Mohamed, Konrad Rögner & Sixten Bussemer

Chapter 9 | 24 pages
New findings from geological, geomorphological and sedimentological studies on the palaeoenvironmental conditions in Southern Cameroon
By —Mark Sangen, Joachim Eisenberg, Jürgen Runge, Boniface Kankeu & Mesmin Tchindjang

Chapter 10 | 10 pages
Palaeoclimate of Ondiri Swamp, Kikuyu, Kenya, from 1.350 to 1.810 AD
By —Julian A. Ogondo, Daniel O. Olago & Eric O. Odada

Chapter 11 | 28 pages
A cluster-analysis-based climate classification for NE Africa
By —Brigitta Schütt, Katharina Ducke & Jan Krause

Chapter 12 | 52 pages
Climate and palaeoenvironment evolution in north tropical Africa from the end of the Tertiary to the Upper Quaternary
By —Jean Maley

Chapter 13 | 22 pages
An assessment of the spatial and temporal distribution of natural hazards in Central Africa
By —Ine Vandecasteele, Jan Moeyersons & Philippe Trefois

978-0-203-84527- 1

Earth Sciences
Environment & Agriculture