Post-Conflict Studies/ - New York: Routledge, 2014.

Foreword, Peter Katzenstein 1. Introduction, Chip Gagnon, Stefan Senders and Keith Brown Section
1: The Post-Conflict concept
2. The origins of "post-conflict", Aida Hozić
3. Reconsidering ‘post-conflict’ in the American way of war tradition: A short conceptual History, Colonel Isaiah (Ike) Wilson III

Section 2: Recasting Mission Introduction to Section
2, Chip Gagnon
4. Democracy promotion as mission, Chip Gagnon
5. Accompaniment as mission: A successful model from Colombia, Kim Marie Lamberty
6. Gender, security, and religious freedom in post-conflict societies, Evelyn Bush Section 3: Criminalization Introduction to Section 3, Keith Brown
7. Post-conflict justice enclaves: The development of a war crimes justice model following the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chris Engels
8. Unknowing the other: A short essay on criminalization through narrative in postwar El Salvador, Ellen Moodie Section 4: Reflections on Post-Conflict as Practice Introduction to Section 4, Keith Brown
9. Post-colonial subjectivities in the post-conflict aid triangle: The drama of educational missionization in the Thai-Burma borderlands, Rosalie Metro
10. The sum of tiny things: Civil society, democracy promotion and The Ugly American in Macedonia, 1995-2004, Keith Brown
11. Social scientists in post-war contexts: Bridging the gap between reflection and action, Elton Skendaj
12. Conclusion: Toward a field of post-conflict studies, Keith Brown and Chip Gagnon


International Relations