Global Politics/ - New York: Routledge, 2013.

1. Introduction Jenny Edkins and Maja Zehfuss
2. How do we begin to think about the world? Véronique Pin-Fat
3. What happens if we don’t take nature for granted Simon Dalby
4. Can we Save the Planet? Carl Death
5. Who do we think we are? Annick T.R. Wibben
6.How do religious beliefs affect politics? Peter Mandaville
7. Why do we obey? Jenny Edkins
8. How do we find out what’s going on in the world? Debbie Lisle
9. How Does the Way we Use the Internet Make a Difference M I Franklin
10. Why is people’s movement restricted? Roxanne Lynn Doty
11. Why is the world divided territorially? Stuart Elden
12. How do People Come to Identify with Nations Elena Barbantseva
13. Does the nation-state work? Michael J Shapiro
14. Is Democracy a Good Idea? Lucy Taylor
15. Do colonialism and slavery belong to the past? Kate Manzo
16. How Does Colonialism Work? Sankaran Krishna
17. How is the world Organised Economically? V Spike Peterson
18. Is the Financial Crisis Part of Everyday Life? Matt Davies
19. Why are some people better off than others? Paul Cammack
20. How can we end poverty? Mustapha Kamal Pasha
21.Why do some people think they know what is good for others? Naeem Inayatullah
22. Why does politics turn to violence? Joanna Bourke
23. What Counts as Violence? Louise Amoore & Marieke de Goede
24. What makes the world dangerous? Michael Dillon
25.What can we do to stop people harming others? Anne Orford
26 Can we move beyond conflict? Roland Bleiker
27.Who Has Rights Giorgio Shani
28. Conclusion: What Can We do to Change the World Maja Zehfuss


International Relations