Tourism and Crisis/ - London: Taylor & Francis, 2013.

1. Tourism and Crisis: A Neverending Story?

2. Financial Crises in Tourism and Beyond: Connecting Economic, Resource and Environmental Securities

3. Much Ado about Nothing? Tourism and the Financial Crisis

4. South Africa’s Destination Image: Media Framing and Representational Crisis

5. Hallmark Events as a Counter to Economic Downturn: 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup

6. Impacts of the Global Financial Crisis on African Tourism: A Tourism Confidence Index Analysis

7. Hibernating Economic Decline? Tourism and Labour Market Change in Europe’s Northern Periphery

8. The Crisis of Induced Uneven Development through South African Tourism Marketing Strategies

9. Responses to Climate Change Mitigation during Recessionary Times: Perspectives from Accommodation Providers in the South West of England

10. Tourism-led Development and Backward Linkages: Evidence from the Agricultural-tourism Nexus in Southern Africa

11. Ethnic Tourism in Kaokoland, North-West Namibia: Cure for All or the Next Crisis for OvaHimbas?


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