Olivé, A.,

Conceptual modeling of information systems / Antoni Olivé. - Berlin ; New York : Springer, 2007. - xxv, 455 p.ill.: 25 cm.

1 Introduction
1.1 Functions of an Information System
1.1.1 The Memory Function
1.1.2 The Informative Function
1.1.3 The Active Function
1.1.4 Examples of Information Systems
1.2 Conceptual Modeling
1.2.1 The Structural Schema
1.2.2 The Information Base
1.2.3 The Behavioral Schema
1.2.4 Integrity Constraints
1.2.5 Derivation Rules
1.2.6 The Principle of Necessity for Conceptual Schemas
1.3 The Abstract Architecture of an Information System
1.4 Requirements Engineering
1.5 Quality of Conceptual Schemas
1.6 A Brief History of Conceptual Modeling
1.6.1 Logical Models
1.6.2 Semantic Data Models
1.6.3 Conceptual Models of Information Systems
1.6.4 Object Orientation
1-7 Bibliographical Notes
2 Entity Types
2.1 Introduction
21.1 Definitional Concepts
2.1.2 Functions of a Concept
2.1.3 Prototypical Concepts
2.1.4 Exemplar-Based Concepts
2.2 Design of Concepts
2.3 Definition of Entity Types
2.3.1 Names
2.3.2 Population
2.3.3 Subsumption
2.4 Representation in an Information System
2.4.1 State of the Information Base
2.4.2 Logical Representation
2.4.3 Representation in UML
2.4.4 Conceptual Models; Single or Multiple Classification
2.4.5 Conceptual Models: Static or Dynamic Classification
2.4.6 Properties of the Representation
2.5 Data Types
2.5.1 Data Types in UML
2.6 Bibliographical Notes
2.7 Exercises
3 Relationship Types
3.1 Definition
3.1.1 Degree
3.1.2 Pattern Sentence
3.1.3 Unary Relationship Types
3.1.4 Population
3.1.5 Subsumption
3.2 Representation in an Information System
3.2.1 State of the Information Base
3.2.2 Logical Representation
3.2.3 Representation in UML
3-2.4 Properties of the Representation
3.3 Attributes
3.3.1 Conceptual Models Based on Attributes
3.3.2 Attribute Pattern Sentence
3.3.3 Representation in UML
3.3.4 On the Use of Attributes
3.4 Bibliographical Notes
3.5 Exercises
4 Cardinality Constraints
4.1 Cardinality Constraints of Binary Relationship Types
4 r.2 Relationship Types
4.1.2 Recursive Relationship Types
4.1.3 Satisfiability of Cardinality Constraints
4.2 Cardinality Constraints of n-ary Relationship Types
4.2.1 Consistency and Inference Rules
4.3 Maximal Participation
4.4 Bibliographical Notes
4.5 Exercises
5 Particular Kinds of Relationship Type
5.1 Reference Relationship Types
5.1.1 Simple Reference
5.1.2 Compound Reference
5.1.3 Set Reference
5.2 Identification
5.2.1 Identifiability of Entity Types
5.3 Replacing Entities with Identifiers in Relationships
5.4 Elementary Relationship Types
5.5 Decomposing NonElementary Relationship Types
5.5.1 Decomposition Based on Functional Dependencies
5.5.2 Decomposition Based on Multivalued Dependencies
5.5.3 Decomposition by Absorbing a Constant Entity Type
5.6 Bibliographical Notes
5.7 Exercises
6 Reification
6.1 Definition
6.2 Representation in UML
6.2.1 Association Classes
6.2.2 Implicit Reification
6.2.3 Implicit Reification as a Schema Transformation
6.3 Partial Reification
6.4 Bibliographical Notes
6.5 Exercises
7 Generic Relationship Types
7.1 Definition
7.2 Representation in an Information System
7.2.1 Logical Representation
7.2.2 Representation in UML
7.3 Part-Whole Relationships
7.3.1 Description
7.3.2 Representation in UML
7.3.3 Part Sharing
7.3.4 Part Dependency
7.4 Grouping
7.4.1 Description
7.4.2 Representation in UML
7.4.3 Homogeneous Versus Heterogeneous Groups
7.5 Roles
7.5.1 Description
7.5.2 Representation in UML
7.5.3 Propagation
7.6 Materialization
7.6.1 Description
7.6.2 Representation in UML
7.6.3 Inheritance
7.7 Bibliographical Notes
7.8 Exercises
8 Derived Types
8.1 Derivability
8.1.1 Base Types
8.1.2 Derived Types
8.1.3 Hybrid Types
8.1.4 Transformation of Hybrid Types into Derived Types
8.1.5 Design of Derivability
8.2 Representation in an Information System
8.2.1 Logical Representation
8.2.2 Representation in UML
8.2.3 Representation of Derivation Rules by Operations
8.3 Particular Kinds of Derived Type
8.3.1 Derived by Union
8.3.2 Derived by Specialization
8.3.3 Derived by Exclusion
8.3.4 Derived by Participation
8.3.5 Transitive Closure
8 s '^ules for Constant Relationship Types 8.5 Hybrid Types m UML 8.6 Justification for Derived Types
8.7 Bibliographical Notes
8.8 Exercises
9 Integrity Constraints
9.1 The Concept of an Integrity Constraint
9.1.1 Integrity = Validity + Completeness
9.1.2 Integrity Constraints
9.1.3 Violation of Integrity Constraints
9.1.4 Violation Response Actions
9.2 Classification of Integrity Constraints
9.2.1 Classification According to Source
9.2.2 Classification According to Scope
9.2.3 Classification According to Cause of Violation
9.3 Representation in an Information System
9.3.1 Logical Representation
9.3.2 Representation in UML
9.3.3 Representation of Constraints by Operations
9.4 Particular Kinds of Static Constraint
9.4.1 Key Constraints
9.4.2 Reference Constraints
9.4.3 Inclusion Constraints
9.4.4 Disjunction Constraints
9.4.5 Covering Constraints
9.4.6 Constraints of Recursive Binary Relationship Types
9.4.7 Entity Type Cardinality Constraints
9.5 Creation-Time Constraints
9.6 Bibliographical Notes
9.7 Exercises
10 Taxonomies
10.1 Specialization.
10.1.1 The/5/1 Relationship
10.1.2 Entity Types Derived by Intersection and Multiple
10.1.3 The Entity Type Entity
10.2 Generalization
10.2.1 The Gens Relationship
10.2.2 Constraints on Generalizations
10.2.3 Generalization/Specialization Dimension
10.2.4 Explicit Subtypes versus Explicit Dimension Attributes
10.2.5 Partitions
10.3 The Taxonomy of a Conceptual Schema
10.3.1 Valid Type Configurations
10.3.2 Taxonomic Constraints and Derivability
10.3.3 Partitions and Derivability
10.4 Relationship Type Refinement
10.4.1 Participant Refinement
10.4.2 Particular Kinds of Participant Refinement
10.4.3 Cardinality Constraint Strengthening
10.4.4 Interaction of/.svl and Cardinality Constraints
10.4.5 Derivation Rule Redefinition
10.4.6 Redefining a Base Relationship Type as Derived
10.5 Constraint Specialization
10.6 Specialization/Generalization of Relationship Types
10.6.1 IsA and Gens Between Relationship Types
10.6.2 Reification and Specialization
10.7 Bibliographical Notes
10.8 Exercises
11 Domain Events
11.1 Domain Events as Sets of Structural Events
11.1.1 Structural Events
11.1.2 Domain Events
11.2 Representation in an Information System
11.2.1 Domain Events as Entities
11.2.2 Logical Representation
11.2.3 UML Representation
11.3 Domain Event Constraints
11.3.1 Logical Representation
11.3.2 UML Representation
11.4 Event Effects: The Postcondition Approach
11.4.1 Logical Representation
11.4.2 UML Representation
11.4.3 The Frame Problem
11.5 Event Effects: The Procedural Approach
11.5.1 Logical Representation
11.5.2 UML Representation
11.6 Consistency with the Structural Schema
11.7 Bibliographical Notes
11.8 Exercises
12 Action Request Events
12.1 Actions and Action Request Events
12.1.1 Scope of this Chapter
12.2 Action Request Event Types
12.2.1 Characteristics of Action Request Events.
12.2.2 Constraints of Action Request Events
12.3 Effects of Queries
12.4 Effects of Action Request Events
12.4.1 Effects of Domain Event Notifications
12.5 Event Specialization
12.6 Generating Conditions
12.7 Bibliographical Notes
12.8 Exercises
13 State Transition Diagrams
13.1 Finite State Machines
13.1.1 Finite Automata
13.1.2 Moore and Mealy Machines
13.2 Entities as State Machines
13.2.1 Entity Life Cycle
13.3 State Transition Diagrams in UML
13.3.1 Transitions Triggered by Change and Time Events
13.3.2 Unexpected-Event Reception
13.3.3 Initial State
13.3.4 Final State
13.3.5 Junction
13.3.6 Choice
13.4 From Domain and Action Request Events to Call Events
13.4.1 Localization of Event Constraints and Effects
13.5 Entity Types with Multiple State Transition Diagrams
13.6 Bibliographical Notes
13.7 Exercises
14 Statecharts
14.1 The State Hierarchy
14.1.1 Simple Composite States
14.1.2 State Configuration and Entity Life Cycle
14.1.3 Initial Pseudostate
14.1.4 Conflicting Transitions
14.2 Parallelism
14.2.1 Initial Pseudostate
14.2.2 Firing Multiple Transitions
14.2.3 Fork
14.2.4 Join
14.3 Bibliographical Notes
14.4 Exercises
15 Use Cases
15.1 Actors
15.2 Use Cases
15.2.1 Definition
15.2.2 Use Case Actors
15.2.3 Use Case Specification
15.2.4 Relationships Between Use Cases
15.2.5 Use Case Model
15.3 Mapping Use Cases to Requests
15.3.1 Textual References
15.3.2 Creation Dependencies
15.3.3 Sequence Diagrams
15.4 Bibliographical Notes
15.5 Exercises
16 Case Study
16.1 Main Domain Concepts
16.2 Store Configuration
16.2.1 Store Data
16.2.2 Minimum Values
16.3 Store Administration
16.3.1 Manufacturers
16.3.2 Categories
16.3.3 Products
16.4 Customers
16.5 Online Catalog
16.5.1 Shopping Carts
16.5.2 Orders
16.5.3 Show Previous Orders
17 Metamodeling
17.1 Meta Entity Types
17.1.1 Definition
17.1.2 Classification Level
17.1.3 InstanceOf versus Is A
17.1.4 Monolevel and Multilevel Information Bases
17.1.5 Logical Representation
17.1.6 Representation in UML
17.2 Powertypes,
17.3 Class Relationship Types
17.4 Meta Relationship Types
17.4.1 Definition
17.4.2 Logical Representation
17.4.3 Representation in UML
17.5 Metaschemas
17.5.1 Definition
17.5.2 Example of a Metaschema
17.5.3 Levels of a Meta Information Base
17.5.4 The Importance of Metaschemas
17.5.5 Conceptual Models versus Metaschemas
17.5.6 The UML Metaschema.
17.6 Stereotypes
17.6.1 Definition
17.6.2 Stereotypes in the Metaschema
17.7 Bibliographical Notes
17.8 Exercises
18 The MOF and XMl
18.1 Meta-Metaschemas
18.1.1 Definition.
18.1.2 The MOF
18.2 The MOF as a Conceptual Modeling Language
18.2.1 The MOF as an w-metaschema
18.3 XMl
18.3.1 XMl Representation of Entities and Relationships
18.3.2 XMl Representation of UML Schemas
18.4 Bibliographical Notes
18.5 Exercises
Index1 Introduction
1.1 Functions of an Information System
1.1.1 The Memory Function
1.1.2 The Informative Function
1.1.3 The Active Function
1.1.4 Examples of Information Systems
1.2 Conceptual Modeling
1.2.1 The Structural Schema
1.2.2 The Information Base
1.2.3 The Behavioral Schema
1.2.4 Integrity Constraints
1.2.5 Derivation Rules
1.2.6 The Principle of Necessity for Conceptual Schemas
1.3 The Abstract Architecture of an Information System
1.4 Requirements Engineering
1.5 Quality of Conceptual Schemas
1.6 A Brief History of Conceptual Modeling
1.6.1 Logical Models
1.6.2 Semantic Data Models
1.6.3 Conceptual Models of Information Systems
1.6.4 Object Orientation
1-7 Bibliographical Notes
2 Entity Types
2.1 Introduction
21.1 Definitional Concepts
2.1.2 Functions of a Concept
2.1.3 Prototypical Concepts
2.1.4 Exemplar-Based Concepts
2.2 Design of Concepts
2.3 Definition of Entity Types
2.3.1 Names
2.3.2 Population
2.3.3 Subsumption
2.4 Representation in an Information System
2.4.1 State of the Information Base
2.4.2 Logical Representation
2.4.3 Representation in UML
2.4.4 Conceptual Models; Single or Multiple Classification
2.4.5 Conceptual Models: Static or Dynamic Classification
2.4.6 Properties of the Representation
2.5 Data Types
2.5.1 Data Types in UML
2.6 Bibliographical Notes
2.7 Exercises
3 Relationship Types
3.1 Definition
3.1.1 Degree
3.1.2 Pattern Sentence
3.1.3 Unary Relationship Types
3.1.4 Population
3.1.5 Subsumption
3.2 Representation in an Information System
3.2.1 State of the Information Base
3.2.2 Logical Representation
3.2.3 Representation in UML
3-2.4 Properties of the Representation
3.3 Attributes
3.3.1 Conceptual Models Based on Attributes
3.3.2 Attribute Pattern Sentence
3.3.3 Representation in UML
3.3.4 On the Use of Attributes
3.4 Bibliographical Notes
3.5 Exercises
4 Cardinality Constraints
4.1 Cardinality Constraints of Binary Relationship Types
4 r.2 Relationship Types
4.1.2 Recursive Relationship Types
4.1.3 Satisfiability of Cardinality Constraints
4.2 Cardinality Constraints of n-ary Relationship Types
4.2.1 Consistency and Inference Rules
4.3 Maximal Participation
4.4 Bibliographical Notes
4.5 Exercises
5 Particular Kinds of Relationship Type
5.1 Reference Relationship Types
5.1.1 Simple Reference
5.1.2 Compound Reference
5.1.3 Set Reference
5.2 Identification
5.2.1 Identifiability of Entity Types
5.3 Replacing Entities with Identifiers in Relationships
5.4 Elementary Relationship Types
5.5 Decomposing NonElementary Relationship Types
5.5.1 Decomposition Based on Functional Dependencies
5.5.2 Decomposition Based on Multivalued Dependencies
5.5.3 Decomposition by Absorbing a Constant Entity Type
5.6 Bibliographical Notes
5.7 Exercises
6 Reification
6.1 Definition
6.2 Representation in UML
6.2.1 Association Classes
6.2.2 Implicit Reification
6.2.3 Implicit Reification as a Schema Transformation
6.3 Partial Reification
6.4 Bibliographical Notes
6.5 Exercises
7 Generic Relationship Types
7.1 Definition
7.2 Representation in an Information System
7.2.1 Logical Representation
7.2.2 Representation in UML
7.3 Part-Whole Relationships
7.3.1 Description
7.3.2 Representation in UML
7.3.3 Part Sharing
7.3.4 Part Dependency
7.4 Grouping
7.4.1 Description
7.4.2 Representation in UML
7.4.3 Homogeneous Versus Heterogeneous Groups
7.5 Roles
7.5.1 Description
7.5.2 Representation in UML
7.5.3 Propagation
7.6 Materialization
7.6.1 Description
7.6.2 Representation in UML
7.6.3 Inheritance
7.7 Bibliographical Notes
7.8 Exercises
8 Derived Types
8.1 Derivability
8.1.1 Base Types
8.1.2 Derived Types
8.1.3 Hybrid Types
8.1.4 Transformation of Hybrid Types into Derived Types
8.1.5 Design of Derivability
8.2 Representation in an Information System
8.2.1 Logical Representation
8.2.2 Representation in UML
8.2.3 Representation of Derivation Rules by Operations
8.3 Particular Kinds of Derived Type
8.3.1 Derived by Union
8.3.2 Derived by Specialization
8.3.3 Derived by Exclusion
8.3.4 Derived by Participation
8.3.5 Transitive Closure
8 s '^ules for Constant Relationship Types 8.5 Hybrid Types m UML 8.6 Justification for Derived Types
8.7 Bibliographical Notes
8.8 Exercises
9 Integrity Constraints
9.1 The Concept of an Integrity Constraint
9.1.1 Integrity = Validity + Completeness
9.1.2 Integrity Constraints
9.1.3 Violation of Integrity Constraints
9.1.4 Violation Response Actions
9.2 Classification of Integrity Constraints
9.2.1 Classification According to Source
9.2.2 Classification According to Scope
9.2.3 Classification According to Cause of Violation
9.3 Representation in an Information System
9.3.1 Logical Representation
9.3.2 Representation in UML
9.3.3 Representation of Constraints by Operations
9.4 Particular Kinds of Static Constraint
9.4.1 Key Constraints
9.4.2 Reference Constraints
9.4.3 Inclusion Constraints
9.4.4 Disjunction Constraints
9.4.5 Covering Constraints
9.4.6 Constraints of Recursive Binary Relationship Types
9.4.7 Entity Type Cardinality Constraints
9.5 Creation-Time Constraints
9.6 Bibliographical Notes
9.7 Exercises
10 Taxonomies
10.1 Specialization.
10.1.1 The/5/1 Relationship
10.1.2 Entity Types Derived by Intersection and Multiple
10.1.3 The Entity Type Entity
10.2 Generalization
10.2.1 The Gens Relationship
10.2.2 Constraints on Generalizations
10.2.3 Generalization/Specialization Dimension
10.2.4 Explicit Subtypes versus Explicit Dimension Attributes
10.2.5 Partitions
10.3 The Taxonomy of a Conceptual Schema
10.3.1 Valid Type Configurations
10.3.2 Taxonomic Constraints and Derivability
10.3.3 Partitions and Derivability
10.4 Relationship Type Refinement
10.4.1 Participant Refinement
10.4.2 Particular Kinds of Participant Refinement
10.4.3 Cardinality Constraint Strengthening
10.4.4 Interaction of/.svl and Cardinality Constraints
10.4.5 Derivation Rule Redefinition
10.4.6 Redefining a Base Relationship Type as Derived
10.5 Constraint Specialization
10.6 Specialization/Generalization of Relationship Types
10.6.1 IsA and Gens Between Relationship Types
10.6.2 Reification and Specialization
10.7 Bibliographical Notes
10.8 Exercises
11 Domain Events
11.1 Domain Events as Sets of Structural Events
11.1.1 Structural Events
11.1.2 Domain Events
11.2 Representation in an Information System
11.2.1 Domain Events as Entities
11.2.2 Logical Representation
11.2.3 UML Representation
11.3 Domain Event Constraints
11.3.1 Logical Representation
11.3.2 UML Representation
11.4 Event Effects: The Postcondition Approach
11.4.1 Logical Representation
11.4.2 UML Representation
11.4.3 The Frame Problem
11.5 Event Effects: The Procedural Approach
11.5.1 Logical Representation
11.5.2 UML Representation
11.6 Consistency with the Structural Schema
11.7 Bibliographical Notes
11.8 Exercises
12 Action Request Events
12.1 Actions and Action Request Events
12.1.1 Scope of this Chapter
12.2 Action Request Event Types
12.2.1 Characteristics of Action Request Events.
12.2.2 Constraints of Action Request Events
12.3 Effects of Queries
12.4 Effects of Action Request Events
12.4.1 Effects of Domain Event Notifications
12.5 Event Specialization
12.6 Generating Conditions
12.7 Bibliographical Notes
12.8 Exercises
13 State Transition Diagrams
13.1 Finite State Machines
13.1.1 Finite Automata
13.1.2 Moore and Mealy Machines
13.2 Entities as State Machines
13.2.1 Entity Life Cycle
13.3 State Transition Diagrams in UML
13.3.1 Transitions Triggered by Change and Time Events
13.3.2 Unexpected-Event Reception
13.3.3 Initial State
13.3.4 Final State
13.3.5 Junction
13.3.6 Choice
13.4 From Domain and Action Request Events to Call Events
13.4.1 Localization of Event Constraints and Effects
13.5 Entity Types with Multiple State Transition Diagrams
13.6 Bibliographical Notes
13.7 Exercises
14 Statecharts
14.1 The State Hierarchy
14.1.1 Simple Composite States
14.1.2 State Configuration and Entity Life Cycle
14.1.3 Initial Pseudostate
14.1.4 Conflicting Transitions
14.2 Parallelism
14.2.1 Initial Pseudostate
14.2.2 Firing Multiple Transitions
14.2.3 Fork
14.2.4 Join
14.3 Bibliographical Notes
14.4 Exercises
15 Use Cases
15.1 Actors
15.2 Use Cases
15.2.1 Definition
15.2.2 Use Case Actors
15.2.3 Use Case Specification
15.2.4 Relationships Between Use Cases
15.2.5 Use Case Model
15.3 Mapping Use Cases to Requests
15.3.1 Textual References
15.3.2 Creation Dependencies
15.3.3 Sequence Diagrams
15.4 Bibliographical Notes
15.5 Exercises
16 Case Study
16.1 Main Domain Concepts
16.2 Store Configuration
16.2.1 Store Data
16.2.2 Minimum Values
16.3 Store Administration
16.3.1 Manufacturers
16.3.2 Categories
16.3.3 Products
16.4 Customers
16.5 Online Catalog
16.5.1 Shopping Carts
16.5.2 Orders
16.5.3 Show Previous Orders
17 Metamodeling
17.1 Meta Entity Types
17.1.1 Definition
17.1.2 Classification Level
17.1.3 InstanceOf versus Is A
17.1.4 Monolevel and Multilevel Information Bases
17.1.5 Logical Representation
17.1.6 Representation in UML
17.2 Powertypes,
17.3 Class Relationship Types
17.4 Meta Relationship Types
17.4.1 Definition
17.4.2 Logical Representation
17.4.3 Representation in UML
17.5 Metaschemas
17.5.1 Definition
17.5.2 Example of a Metaschema
17.5.3 Levels of a Meta Information Base
17.5.4 The Importance of Metaschemas
17.5.5 Conceptual Models versus Metaschemas
17.5.6 The UML Metaschema.
17.6 Stereotypes
17.6.1 Definition
17.6.2 Stereotypes in the Metaschema
17.7 Bibliographical Notes
17.8 Exercises
18 The MOF and XMl
18.1 Meta-Metaschemas
18.1.1 Definition.
18.1.2 The MOF
18.2 The MOF as a Conceptual Modeling Language
18.2.1 The MOF as an w-metaschema
18.3 XMl
18.3.1 XMl Representation of Entities and Relationships
18.3.2 XMl Representation of UML Schemas
18.4 Bibliographical Notes
18.5 Exercises
Index1 Introduction
1.1 Functions of an Information System
1.1.1 The Memory Function
1.1.2 The Informative Function
1.1.3 The Active Function
1.1.4 Examples of Information Systems
1.2 Conceptual Modeling
1.2.1 The Structural Schema
1.2.2 The Information Base
1.2.3 The Behavioral Schema
1.2.4 Integrity Constraints
1.2.5 Derivation Rules
1.2.6 The Principle of Necessity for Conceptual Schemas
1.3 The Abstract Architecture of an Information System
1.4 Requirements Engineering
1.5 Quality of Conceptual Schemas
1.6 A Brief History of Conceptual Modeling
1.6.1 Logical Models
1.6.2 Semantic Data Models
1.6.3 Conceptual Models of Information Systems
1.6.4 Object Orientation
1-7 Bibliographical Notes
2 Entity Types
2.1 Introduction
21.1 Definitional Concepts
2.1.2 Functions of a Concept
2.1.3 Prototypical Concepts
2.1.4 Exemplar-Based Concepts
2.2 Design of Concepts
2.3 Definition of Entity Types
2.3.1 Names
2.3.2 Population
2.3.3 Subsumption
2.4 Representation in an Information System
2.4.1 State of the Information Base
2.4.2 Logical Representation
2.4.3 Representation in UML
2.4.4 Conceptual Models; Single or Multiple Classification
2.4.5 Conceptual Models: Static or Dynamic Classification
2.4.6 Properties of the Representation
2.5 Data Types
2.5.1 Data Types in UML
2.6 Bibliographical Notes
2.7 Exercises
3 Relationship Types
3.1 Definition
3.1.1 Degree
3.1.2 Pattern Sentence
3.1.3 Unary Relationship Types
3.1.4 Population
3.1.5 Subsumption
3.2 Representation in an Information System
3.2.1 State of the Information Base
3.2.2 Logical Representation
3.2.3 Representation in UML
3-2.4 Properties of the Representation
3.3 Attributes
3.3.1 Conceptual Models Based on Attributes
3.3.2 Attribute Pattern Sentence
3.3.3 Representation in UML
3.3.4 On the Use of Attributes
3.4 Bibliographical Notes
3.5 Exercises
4 Cardinality Constraints
4.1 Cardinality Constraints of Binary Relationship Types
4 r.2 Relationship Types
4.1.2 Recursive Relationship Types
4.1.3 Satisfiability of Cardinality Constraints
4.2 Cardinality Constraints of n-ary Relationship Types
4.2.1 Consistency and Inference Rules
4.3 Maximal Participation
4.4 Bibliographical Notes
4.5 Exercises
5 Particular Kinds of Relationship Type
5.1 Reference Relationship Types
5.1.1 Simple Reference
5.1.2 Compound Reference
5.1.3 Set Reference
5.2 Identification
5.2.1 Identifiability of Entity Types
5.3 Replacing Entities with Identifiers in Relationships
5.4 Elementary Relationship Types
5.5 Decomposing NonElementary Relationship Types
5.5.1 Decomposition Based on Functional Dependencies
5.5.2 Decomposition Based on Multivalued Dependencies
5.5.3 Decomposition by Absorbing a Constant Entity Type
5.6 Bibliographical Notes
5.7 Exercises
6 Reification
6.1 Definition
6.2 Representation in UML
6.2.1 Association Classes
6.2.2 Implicit Reification
6.2.3 Implicit Reification as a Schema Transformation
6.3 Partial Reification
6.4 Bibliographical Notes
6.5 Exercises
7 Generic Relationship Types
7.1 Definition
7.2 Representation in an Information System
7.2.1 Logical Representation
7.2.2 Representation in UML
7.3 Part-Whole Relationships
7.3.1 Description
7.3.2 Representation in UML
7.3.3 Part Sharing
7.3.4 Part Dependency
7.4 Grouping
7.4.1 Description
7.4.2 Representation in UML
7.4.3 Homogeneous Versus Heterogeneous Groups
7.5 Roles
7.5.1 Description
7.5.2 Representation in UML
7.5.3 Propagation
7.6 Materialization
7.6.1 Description
7.6.2 Representation in UML
7.6.3 Inheritance
7.7 Bibliographical Notes
7.8 Exercises
8 Derived Types
8.1 Derivability
8.1.1 Base Types
8.1.2 Derived Types
8.1.3 Hybrid Types
8.1.4 Transformation of Hybrid Types into Derived Types
8.1.5 Design of Derivability
8.2 Representation in an Information System
8.2.1 Logical Representation
8.2.2 Representation in UML
8.2.3 Representation of Derivation Rules by Operations
8.3 Particular Kinds of Derived Type
8.3.1 Derived by Union
8.3.2 Derived by Specialization
8.3.3 Derived by Exclusion
8.3.4 Derived by Participation
8.3.5 Transitive Closure
8 s '^ules for Constant Relationship Types 8.5 Hybrid Types m UML 8.6 Justification for Derived Types
8.7 Bibliographical Notes
8.8 Exercises
9 Integrity Constraints
9.1 The Concept of an Integrity Constraint
9.1.1 Integrity = Validity + Completeness
9.1.2 Integrity Constraints
9.1.3 Violation of Integrity Constraints
9.1.4 Violation Response Actions
9.2 Classification of Integrity Constraints
9.2.1 Classification According to Source
9.2.2 Classification According to Scope
9.2.3 Classification According to Cause of Violation
9.3 Representation in an Information System
9.3.1 Logical Representation
9.3.2 Representation in UML
9.3.3 Representation of Constraints by Operations
9.4 Particular Kinds of Static Constraint
9.4.1 Key Constraints
9.4.2 Reference Constraints
9.4.3 Inclusion Constraints
9.4.4 Disjunction Constraints
9.4.5 Covering Constraints
9.4.6 Constraints of Recursive Binary Relationship Types
9.4.7 Entity Type Cardinality Constraints
9.5 Creation-Time Constraints
9.6 Bibliographical Notes
9.7 Exercises
10 Taxonomies
10.1 Specialization.
10.1.1 The/5/1 Relationship
10.1.2 Entity Types Derived by Intersection and Multiple
10.1.3 The Entity Type Entity
10.2 Generalization
10.2.1 The Gens Relationship
10.2.2 Constraints on Generalizations
10.2.3 Generalization/Specialization Dimension
10.2.4 Explicit Subtypes versus Explicit Dimension Attributes
10.2.5 Partitions
10.3 The Taxonomy of a Conceptual Schema
10.3.1 Valid Type Configurations
10.3.2 Taxonomic Constraints and Derivability
10.3.3 Partitions and Derivability
10.4 Relationship Type Refinement
10.4.1 Participant Refinement
10.4.2 Particular Kinds of Participant Refinement
10.4.3 Cardinality Constraint Strengthening
10.4.4 Interaction of/.svl and Cardinality Constraints
10.4.5 Derivation Rule Redefinition
10.4.6 Redefining a Base Relationship Type as Derived
10.5 Constraint Specialization
10.6 Specialization/Generalization of Relationship Types
10.6.1 IsA and Gens Between Relationship Types
10.6.2 Reification and Specialization
10.7 Bibliographical Notes
10.8 Exercises
11 Domain Events
11.1 Domain Events as Sets of Structural Events
11.1.1 Structural Events
11.1.2 Domain Events
11.2 Representation in an Information System
11.2.1 Domain Events as Entities
11.2.2 Logical Representation
11.2.3 UML Representation
11.3 Domain Event Constraints
11.3.1 Logical Representation
11.3.2 UML Representation
11.4 Event Effects: The Postcondition Approach
11.4.1 Logical Representation
11.4.2 UML Representation
11.4.3 The Frame Problem
11.5 Event Effects: The Procedural Approach
11.5.1 Logical Representation
11.5.2 UML Representation
11.6 Consistency with the Structural Schema
11.7 Bibliographical Notes
11.8 Exercises
12 Action Request Events
12.1 Actions and Action Request Events
12.1.1 Scope of this Chapter
12.2 Action Request Event Types
12.2.1 Characteristics of Action Request Events.
12.2.2 Constraints of Action Request Events
12.3 Effects of Queries
12.4 Effects of Action Request Events
12.4.1 Effects of Domain Event Notifications
12.5 Event Specialization
12.6 Generating Conditions
12.7 Bibliographical Notes
12.8 Exercises
13 State Transition Diagrams
13.1 Finite State Machines
13.1.1 Finite Automata
13.1.2 Moore and Mealy Machines
13.2 Entities as State Machines
13.2.1 Entity Life Cycle
13.3 State Transition Diagrams in UML
13.3.1 Transitions Triggered by Change and Time Events
13.3.2 Unexpected-Event Reception
13.3.3 Initial State
13.3.4 Final State
13.3.5 Junction
13.3.6 Choice
13.4 From Domain and Action Request Events to Call Events
13.4.1 Localization of Event Constraints and Effects
13.5 Entity Types with Multiple State Transition Diagrams
13.6 Bibliographical Notes
13.7 Exercises
14 Statecharts
14.1 The State Hierarchy
14.1.1 Simple Composite States
14.1.2 State Configuration and Entity Life Cycle
14.1.3 Initial Pseudostate
14.1.4 Conflicting Transitions
14.2 Parallelism
14.2.1 Initial Pseudostate
14.2.2 Firing Multiple Transitions
14.2.3 Fork
14.2.4 Join
14.3 Bibliographical Notes
14.4 Exercises
15 Use Cases
15.1 Actors
15.2 Use Cases
15.2.1 Definition
15.2.2 Use Case Actors
15.2.3 Use Case Specification
15.2.4 Relationships Between Use Cases
15.2.5 Use Case Model
15.3 Mapping Use Cases to Requests
15.3.1 Textual References
15.3.2 Creation Dependencies
15.3.3 Sequence Diagrams
15.4 Bibliographical Notes
15.5 Exercises
16 Case Study
16.1 Main Domain Concepts
16.2 Store Configuration
16.2.1 Store Data
16.2.2 Minimum Values
16.3 Store Administration
16.3.1 Manufacturers
16.3.2 Categories
16.3.3 Products
16.4 Customers
16.5 Online Catalog
16.5.1 Shopping Carts
16.5.2 Orders
16.5.3 Show Previous Orders
17 Metamodeling
17.1 Meta Entity Types
17.1.1 Definition
17.1.2 Classification Level
17.1.3 InstanceOf versus Is A
17.1.4 Monolevel and Multilevel Information Bases
17.1.5 Logical Representation
17.1.6 Representation in UML
17.2 Powertypes,
17.3 Class Relationship Types
17.4 Meta Relationship Types
17.4.1 Definition
17.4.2 Logical Representation
17.4.3 Representation in UML
17.5 Metaschemas
17.5.1 Definition
17.5.2 Example of a Metaschema
17.5.3 Levels of a Meta Information Base
17.5.4 The Importance of Metaschemas
17.5.5 Conceptual Models versus Metaschemas
17.5.6 The UML Metaschema.
17.6 Stereotypes
17.6.1 Definition
17.6.2 Stereotypes in the Metaschema
17.7 Bibliographical Notes
17.8 Exercises
18 The MOF and XMl
18.1 Meta-Metaschemas
18.1.1 Definition.
18.1.2 The MOF
18.2 The MOF as a Conceptual Modeling Language
18.2.1 The MOF as an w-metaschema
18.3 XMl
18.3.1 XMl Representation of Entities and Relationships
18.3.2 XMl Representation of UML Schemas
18.4 Bibliographical Notes
18.5 Exercises

9783540393894 (hardcover : alk. paper)

Database Design.
System Design.