edited by Homero Gil de Zuniga

New technologies and civic engagement: New agendas in communication/ - London: Routledge, 2015. - 240 p.

Reconceptualizing Citizenship
1 Sampling from the Civic BufFct:Youth, New Media, and
Do-It-Yourself Citizenship
Kjerstin nwrsoii
2 Buying in or Tuning Out; The Role of Consumption in
Politically Active Young Adults
Lucy A tkimon
3 Civic Engagement of Youths during Their Transition
to Adulthood
Rosanne SchoU ' ' .
4 Social Media and Youth Participation in Singapore
Marko Skoric
5 Social Madia and Their Impact on Civic Participation
Homero Gil de Zmiga and Saif Shahin
New Publics and Citizenship
6 Egocentric Publics and Perceptions of the Worlds around Us
Hermndo Rojas
I Internet, Egocentric Pubiics, and Extremism
Magdakna Wojcieszak
8 In Search of Cognitive Complexity in the Contemporary
Public Sphere
Jennifer Brnndidge
9 Effects of Otiline Political Messages on Their Senders:
Conceptual Tools and Research Directions
Raymond Pingree
Structure of Citizenship
10 "Click here to take action": Action Repertoires of
Youth Civic Organizations and the Changing Nature
of Civic Participation
Chrk Welh
II Engaging Audiences via Online News Sites
Natalie Jomini Strand, Ashley Muddiman,
and Joshua Scacco
12 Personalization and the Future of News
Matt Hindman
13 What's Next? Three Challenges for the Future of Political
Communication Research
Bruce Bimber


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