Advanced abnormal child psychology/ Hersen, Michel - London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2000. - 525 p.

Historical Overview
Brad Donohue, Michel Hersen, and Robert T. Ammerman
Diagnosis and Classification
Joseph R. Scotti and Tracy L. Morris
Epidemiologic Considerations
Gale A. Richardson and Nancy L Day
Development and Psychopathology
Sally D. Popper, Shelley Ross, and Kay D. Jennings
Psychophysiological Research on Childhood
Rafael Klorman
Familial Determinants
G. Stennis Watson and Alan M. Gross
Research Strategies in Child Psychopathology
Eric J. Marsh and, Gloria L Krahn
Psychological Aspects of Pediatric Disorders
Kenneth J. Tarnowski and Ronald T. Brown
Intellectual and Cognitive Assessment
Alan S. Kaufman, James C. Kaufman, Alan J. Lincoln,
and Jennie L. Kaufman
Behavioral Assessment
Steven J. Beck
Behavioral Treatment
Linda A. LeBlanc, Lac Le, and Michael Carpenter
Psychopharmacological Treatment
Susan V McLeer and Cheryl Wills
Community, Prevention, and Wellness
Raymond R Lorion
Anxiety Disorders
Brian Rabian and Wendy K. Siluerman
Depressive Disorders
Kevin D. Stark, Michelle D. Bronik, Stephen Wong,
Greggory Wells, and Rick Ostrander
Mental Retardation: Causes and Effects
Alan A. Baumeister and Alfred A. Baumeister
Pervasive Developmental Disorders:
The Spectrum of Autism
Sandra L Harris
Learning, Motor, and Communication Disorders
Cynthia R. Johnson and Gregory Slomka
Oppositionol-Defiant and Conduct-Disordered Children
Carolyn Webster-Stratton
Attention Deficit Hyperoctivity Disorder
Mark D. Rapport and Kyong-Mee Chung
21 Eating Disorders
J. Scott Mizes and Katherine J. Miller
22 Substance Use Disorders
Michael D. Newcomb and Mark A. Richardson


Child psychology
Child psychopathology

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