Pandey, Vidya Dhar

Microbial toxins & toxigenic microbes/ Vidya Dhar Pandey, Santosh Kumar Singh. - 1st ed. - Houston: Studium Press, 2012. - vi, 524 p. ; 25 cm.

1 Microbes and Toxins
2 Botulinum Toxin: Production, Mechanism of Action and Applications
3 Toxins Produced by Members of Enterobacteriaceae Family
4 Bacterial Toxins and Diarrhoea
5 Bacterial Toxins and Carcinogenesis
6 Toxins Produced by Oral Microflora
7 Bacterial Toxins: Mode of Action and Regulation
8 Structure and Mechanism of Action of Some Selected Bacterial Toxins
9 Bacterial Toxins in Disease Production
10 Molecular and Cellular Mode of Action of Bacterial Toxins
11 Bacterial Toxins: Naturally Designed Proteins for Eukaryotic Targets
12 Bacterial Food Intoxication
13 Microbial Toxins: Source and Effects
14 Mycotoxins: Implication in Human Health
15 Mycotoxins: Pathogenicity and Environmental
16 Mycotoxins: Incidence and Control with Special Reference to Oil Seeds
17 Poisonous Mushrooms and their Toxins
18 Mushroom Toxins and Toxicity
19 Amanita Phalloides Toxins and their Therapeutic Interventions
20 Toxic Cyanobacterial Blooms: Occurrence and Health Risk
21 Water Intoxication by Cyanobacteria
22 Cyanobacterial Toxins: Types, Mechanism of Action, Ecological Roles and Potential Application as Commercial Compounds
23 Allelochemical Roles of Cyanobacterial Toxins
24 Cyanotoxins: an Overview of their Impact on Human Health
25 Microbial Toxins in Plant Pathogenesis
26 Microbes and Microbial Toxins in Biological Warfare
27 Pharmacological Importance of Microbial Toxins



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