Research on e-Learning and ICT in education: technological, pedagogical and instructional perspectives/ edited by Charalampos Karagiannidis - New York: Springer, 2014. - 314 p

Section 1 Situating ICT in Education.-
1.Digital Technology - an Effective Educational Change Agent?.-
2.The Evolution of Educational Technology based on a Bibliometric study.- 3.Theories of Learning in Math and Science Educational Software.-
Section 2 ICT in Preschool and Primary Education.
4.Educational software use in kindergarten.-
5.Geometry teaching through ICT in primary school.-
6.Teaching Informatics in Primary School with and without educational software support.-
Section 3 ICT and Teaching Programming.-
7.Educational Games for Teaching Computer Programming.-
8.Robotics and Programming Concepts in Early Childhood Education.- Section 4 Web2.0 Tools and Learning.- 9
.Integrating Blogs in Primary Education.
-10.Effectiveness of Wiki-based Learning in higher education.-
11.Courseware Evaluation through Content, Usage and Marking Assessment.- Section 5 ICT for Learning in Museums.-
12.Game design based Learning in Cultural Institutions.-
13.Digital applications in museums: an analysis from a museum education perspective.-
Section 6 ICT and Pre- and In-service Teacher Practices.-
14.Technology integration in the most favorable conditions: findings from a Professional Development Training Programme.-
15.ICT Use in Secondary Education - Schooling Necessities and Needs for Human Resources.-
16.Teacher Preparation for Educational Technology.-
Section 7 - ICT for Specialized Uses.-
17.Conversational Agents for Learning: How the Agent Role Affects Student Dialogue.-
18.Anxiety Awareness in Education: A Prototype Bio-Feedback Device.- 19.Structured Learning through Digital Storytelling for Children with Autism.


Educational technology. Computer-assisted instruction. Computer-assisted instruction

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