Ethical issues in anthropological research/ edited by Subir Biswaas - New Delhi: Concept, 2014. - xii, 108p. HB

1. Ethical Issues and Perspectives
A.K. Kapoor
2. Ethics in Social Research: Issues in Perspective
Rajatsubhra Mukhopadhyay
3. Ethical Issues in Ethno-Archaeological Research
Som Prasad Khatiwada
4. Ethics and Anthropological Fieldwork: Problems and
Vijay Prakasli Sharma
5. Paying Informants in Ethnographic Research: Issues of
Ethics and Quality
A.S. Arunkumar and Jesurathmm Devarapalli
6. Fieldwork for Anthropological Research: Some Ethical
Sh^anuzl Kumar Nandy
7. Ethical Issues of Anthropology with Special Reference
to Fieldwork
Samar Kumar Biswas
8. Global Ethic, Rights and Responsibility
Madluirima Chowdhiiry
9. Ethical Issues in Research on Social-Cultural
Aslwk Das Gupta
10. Ethical Issues in Epidemiological Study of TVpe 2 Diabetes
among the Gangadikara Vokkaliga of Karnataka State
S. Yaseen Saheb, D. Xaviour, B.V Raviprasad, Md. Salman,
S. Dasgupta, M.A. Shekar, H. Basavana Gowdappa,
K. Raglwtliama Rao, D. Ravindranath, EB.S.V. Padmanabham,
B.N. Sarkar, D. Lokanaih and S. Samanta


Anthropological ethics

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