Rogers, Robert.

How parliament works/ Robert Rogers and Rhodri Walters - 7th ed. - New York: Routledge, 2015. - xiii, 424 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

1. Parliament : its home and origins --
2. Who is in Parliament? --
The Commons --
The Lords --
The Queen --
3. Running Parliament --
The House of Commons --
The Speaker --
The Deputy Speakers --
The Leader of the House --
The Clerk of the House --
The House of Commons service --
The House administration --
The House departments --
MPs' pay, allowances and IPSA --
Finance for opposition parties --
The House of Lords --
The Lord Speaker --
The Chairman of Committees, Deputy Speakers and Deputy Chairmen --
The Leader of the House of Lords --
The Clerk of the Parliaments and the staff of the House --
House of Lords administration --
How much does Parliament cost? --
4. Influences on Parliament --
The House of Commons --
The party --
Parliamentary standards --
The House of Lords --
5. The parliamentary day and the organization of business --
The parliamentary calendar --
A parliament --
A session --
Adjournments --
The sitting week in the Commons --
The sitting day in the Commons --
Time in the House --
An MP's day --
Sittings and use of time in the House of Lords --
Parliamentary papers --
Voting --
The media --
Broadcasting Parliament --
Privilege --
Procedure --
6. Making the law --
Government bills --
Commons stages --
Lords stages --
Disagreement between the Houses : the balance of power --
Private legislation --
Delegated legislation --
7. Parliament and the taxpayer --
The budget cycle --
The estimates cycle --
The reporting cycle --
Conclusion --
8. Debates --
Debates n the House of Lords --
9. Calling to account : questions --
Questions in the Commons --
Questions in the House of Lords --
Public petitions --
e-Petitions --
MPs' letters --
10. Calling to account : select committees --
Select committees in the House of Commons --
The committees --
How committees work --
Select committees in the House of Lords --
11. Parliament and Europe --
12. The future of Parliament --
Modernization, reform and effectiveness --
The House of Commons --
The House of Lords --
Modernization of practice and procedure in the Lords --
Conclusion --
Glossary of parliamentary terms.


Great Britain. Parliament
Great Britain
Legislative bodies

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