Ananth, V. Krishna.

The Indian constitution and social revolution: right to property since independence/ V. Krishna Ananth - New Delhi: Sage, 2015. - xxxiii, 495 p. ; 22 cm. - SAGE series in modern Indian history, 16. .

1 Idea of Socialism and the Indian National Congress: The Nehru Imprint

2 Socialism and the right to property as a fundamental right :The constituent assembly debates

3 The socialism as state policy :A brief discussion on the debate on directive principles in the constituent assembly

4 The socialist agenda :Reconciling fundamental rights with directive principles

5 Property as fundamental right: The judiciary strikes again

6 Restoring the balance : Keshavananda and the basic structure doctrine

7 Integrating the directive principles into the fundamental rights

8 Socialism and liberalization


Constitutional law
Right of property

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