Threadwell, Donald.

Introducing communication research: paths of inquiry/ Donald Treadwell - Los Angeles: Sage, 2011. - xviii, 226 p. ; 26 cm.


For Students

For Faculty


Introduction • Welcome to Communication Research: Finding Your Path

Chapter 1 Getting Started: Possibilities and Decisions

Chapter 2 First Decisions: What, Why, How

Chapter 3 Ethics: Your Responsibilities as a Researcher

Chapter 4 Reading Research: To Boldly Go Where Others Have Gone Before

Chapter 5 Measurement: Research Using Numbers

Chapters 6 Statistics: Analyzing Your Numbers

Chapter 7 Sampling: Who, What, and How Many?

Chapter 8 Surveys: Putting Numbers on Opinions

Chapter 9 Experiments: Researching Cause and Effect

Chapter 10 Observation: Watching and Listening for In-Depth Understanding

Chapter 11 Content Analysis: Understanding Text and Image

Chapter 12 Writing Research: Sharing Your Results



About the Author



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