Amann, Herbert.

Analysis II/ Herbert Amann, Joachim Escher - Basel: Birkhauser, 2008. - xii, 400 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Preface --
VI. Integral Calculus in One Variable --
1. Step Continuous Functions --
2. Continuous Extensions --
3. The Cauchy-Riemann Integral --
4. Properties of the Integral --
5. The Technology of Integration --
6. Sums and Integrals --
7. Fourier Series --
8. Improper Integrals --
9. The Gamma Function --
VII. Differential Calculus in Several Variables --
1. Continuous Linear Mappings --
2. Differentiability --
3. Calculation Rules --
4. Multilinear Mappings --
5. Higher Derivatives --
6. Nemytski Operators and Calculus of Variations --
7. Inverse Mappings --
8. Implicit Functions --
9. Manifolds --
10. Tangents and Normals --
VIII. Line Integrals --
1. Curves and Their Length --
2. Curves in Rn --
3. Pfaff Forms --
4. Line Integrals --
5. Holomorphic Functions --
6. Meromorphic Functions --
Bibliography --


Mathematical analysis
Functional analysis
Functions of complex variables

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