Comer, Ronald J.

Abnormal psychology/ Ronald J. Comer - 7th. rev. ed. - New York : Worth Publishers Inc.,U.S., 2010. - xxvii,649p. : ill. ; 27cm.

Abnormal Psychology in Science and Clinical Practice 1. Abnormal Psychology: Past and Present 2. Models of Abnormality 3. Clinical Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment Problems of Stress and Anxiety 4. Anxiety Disorders 5. Stress Disorders 6. Somatoform and Dissociative Disorders Problems of Mood 7. Mood Disorders 8. Suicide Problems of Mind and Body 9. Eating Disorders 10. Substance-Related Disorders 11. Sexual Disorders and Gender Identity Disorder Problems of Psychosis 12. Schizophrenia Life-Span Disorders 13. Personality Disorders 14. Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence 15. Disorders of Aging and Cognition Conclusion 16. Law, Society, and the Mental Health Profession


Psychology, Pathological.
Clinical Psychology.

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