Brown, T.A.

Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis: an introduction/ T.A. Brown. - 6th ed. - New York: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. - xvi, 320p.: ill.; 26 cm.

Part 1: The Basic Principles of Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis. 1 Why Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis are Important.
2 Vectors for Gene Cloning: Plasmids and Bacteriophages
3 Purification of DNA from Living Cells
4 Manipulation of Purified DNA
5 Introduction of DNA into Living Cells
6 Cloning Vectors for E. coli
7 Cloning Vectors for Eukaryotes
8 How to Obtain a Clone of a Specific Gene
9 The Polymerase Chain Reaction

Part 2: The Applications of Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis in Research
10 Sequencing Genes and Genome
11 Studying Gene Expression and Function
12 Studying Genomes

Part 3: The Applications of Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis in Biotechnology
13 Production of Protein from Cloned Genes
14 Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis in Medicine
15 Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis in Agriculture
16 Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis in Forensic Science and Archaeology


Molecular Cloning
Nucleotide Sequence

572.8633 / BRO/G