Concepts In WildLife Management/ Hosetti,B.B. - 3rd.ed. - New Delhi: Daya publishing house, 2014. - 322

1. Wildlife Conservation and Management
General importance; Causes for endangering the species; Important zones in India; Protected species
of India; Management packages.
2. Status of Wildlife Management in India
Introduction; Biological diversity; The current status of India's wildlife; Floral wealth; Endemic
plant species; History of wildlife management; India's protected area network.
3. Endangered Flora and Fauna of India
Introduction; General background to the problem of threat to plant species; Wildlife zones for flora;
Himalaya and Eastern India; Rajasthan and Gujarat; Gangetic plan; Peninsular India; Andaman
and Nicobar; Lacunae in our understanding about endangered plants; Protection strategies;
Endangered fauna of India; Save endangered species; The Indian scene; Mammals; Birds; Reptiles;
4, Extinction of Organisms
Introduction; Trends of extinction; Endangered species; Species characteristics and extinction..
5. Special Conservation Schemes
Introduction; Project tiger; Status of tiger in the world; Achievement of the Project tiger; Threat to
the tiger; Global tiger forum (GIF); Gir lion sanctuary project; Crocodile breeding project; Project
hangul; Flimalayan Musk Deer-ecology and conservation project; Shangi or Manipur brow-antlered
deer project or Manipur deer Project; Project elephant; Project on great Indian Bustard; Summary.
6. Management of Rangelands, Forests and Wildlife Corridors
Types of rangelands; Plant biomass. Productivity and food web; Characteristics of rangelands; Types
of grazing animals; rangeland conditions; Forests; Forest types; Depiction of forests; Management
of forests; Wildlife corridors.
7. Wildlife Reserves and National Parks
Introduction; Protected area management categories; National parks; Wildlife sanctuaries;
Biosphere reserves.
8. Protection of Orchids and Butterflies
Orchids; Historical aspects; Present status; Protection measures; Butterflies; Insect culturing;
Butterfly species of India; Protection measures.
9. Role of Zoos, Parks and Sanctuaries for Conservation of Wildlife
Introduction; Indian scenario; Common wild animals in Indian zoo; National parks and wildlife
sanctuaries; Legislations and recommendations of the global committee for conservation; Feeds
and feeding of some wild mammals; Breeding of wild mammals; Mangement of wild mammals;
Healthcare of wild mammals.
10. Managementof Wetland Birds
Introduction; Types of wetlands; Waterfowls; Population and distribution; Habitat use; Food and
feeding; Breeding population; Management; Principles; Major groups of wetland birds; Specific
requirements; Identification character.
11. Asian Waterfowl Census
Introduction; Asia-pacific migratory waterbird conservation strategy 1996-2000; AWC report on
India; Criteria for identifying wetlands of international importance; Guidelines for application of
the criteria.
12. Ramsar Wetlands
Introduction; Distribution; Problems faced by lentic systems; Wetland conservation; Criteria for the
^•lection of unique wetlands; Indian wetlands; Case study I: Chilka lake system; Case study II:
Kollerii lake; Case study III: Loktak lake, Manipur; Case study IV: Navile tank, Shimoga.
13. The Mysteries of Migration
Migration basics? Types of migration; Velocity and altitude; Duration and distance; Accuracy and
regulanty;Bird navigati^on; Threats to migratingbirds; Methods ofstudyingbirdmigration;Advantages
of migration; Origin of migration. & ' ft
14. Biodiversity Conservation and Management
Preamble; Loss of biodiversity; Conservation of biodiversity; Ancient methods of conservation;
Current methods of conservation; Biotechnology and biodiversity; Legal aspects of biodiversity
conservation; Wildlife protection act, 1972; Biodiversity Conservation and agenda-21; International
biodiversity convention.
15. General Theories of Biodiversity
Explanation to species richness gradients; Co-existence of species or Santa rosalina concept; The
diversity-stability hypothesis.
16. The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972
Chapter III A-Protection of specified plants; Chapter IV-Sanctuaries, National parks and closed
17. The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972-Schedules
Schedule I-Part I-Mammals; Part H-Amphibians and reptiles; Part II A-Fishes; Part Ili-Birds; Part
IV-Crustaceans and Insects; Part IV A-Coelenterates; Part IV B-Mollusca; Part IV C-Echinodermala;
Schedule II; Schedule 111; Schedule IV; Schedule V; Schedule VI.
18. Wildlife Crimes
Introduction; Wildlife crime; Prevention of wildlife crimes; How large is wildlife ci imes?, Agencies
to stop wildlife crimes; Laws and regulations of wildlife crimes; What is CITES; Export consignment
check; Methods of smuggling; Methods of paching; Collection of evidences; Conducting a criminal
investigation; Investigating the time of death; Identification of teeth and claws; Identification of
wounds; Post-mortem; How to go to Court.
19. WWF-India and BNHS/IBCN
Introduction to WWF-India; The Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS); Hornbill House; The
society's logo; Short-term projects and field studies; Conser\'ation education centre; Indian bird
conservation network (IBCN).
20. National and State Plants and Animals of India
21. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
General aspects; Aim of EIA; Contents of EIA; EIA in India; Screening and lEE: EIA report; Assessment
ofmethodologies; Industries and environmental guidelines; Ecologically sensitive areas;
Environmental Master Plan; A case study of human impact on Himalayan ecosystem.
22. Environmental Waste Auditing
Importance; Concept; Components; Objectives; Environmental auditing in India; Form V.

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