Conway, John B.

Funtions of one complex variable/ John B.Conway - New Delhi: Narosa publishing house, 1973. - 316p.

1. The Complex Number System
§1. The real numbers
§2. The field of-complex numbers . . . . .
§3. The complex plane
§4. Polar representation and roots of complex numbers
§5. Lines and half planes in the complex plane
§6. The extended plane and its spherical representation
II. Metric Spaces and the Topology of C
§1. Definition and examples of metric spaces
§2. Connectedness
§3. Sequences and completeness
§4. Compactness
§5. Continuity . .
§6. Uniform convergence
III. Elementary Properties and Examples of Analytic Functions
§1. Power series . . . • • • • *
§2. Analytic functions
§3. Analytic functions as rhappings, Mobius transformations .
IV. Complex Integration
§1. Riemann-Stieltjes integrals . *
§2. Power series representation of analytic functions
§3. Zeros of an analytic function ....
§4. The index of a closed curve ....
§5. Cauchy*s Theorem and Integral Formula .
§6. The homotopic version of Cauchy's Theorem and
simple connectivity . •
§7. Counting zeros; the Open Mapping Theorem
§8. Goursat's Theorem . . *' •
V. Singularities
§1. Classification of singularities
§2. Residues
§3. The Argument Principle .


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