Indian Mother Goddess/ Bhattacharyya,N.N. - 3 - New Delhi: Manohar Pubns, 1999. - 363

Development of the Conception
Mother Goddess and the Cults and Rituals of Fertility
Mothen Goddess and Agricultural Myths
Mother Goddess and Female Dominated Societies
The Mothers: Forms of the Cult
Earth and Corn Mothers
The Protectress of Children
The City Goddesses
The Goddess and the Animal World
The Goddesses of Disease
The War Goddesses
The Goddesses of Mountains, Lakes and Rivers
The Blood-thirsty Goddesses
The Tribal Divinities
Mother Goddesses in Literary and Mythological Records
Goddesses of Egypt and Western Asia
Goddesses of Greece and Asia Minor
Goddesses of Mesopotamia and Iran
Goddesses in the Vedic Literature of India
Goddesses in the Epics
Goddesses in Jain and Buddhist Literature
Goddesses in South Indian Literature
Goddesses in the Puranas
Goddesses in other Literary Works
Goddesses in Some Epigraphical Records
Mother Goddesses in Archaeology
The Earliest Archaeological Specimens
The Harappan Goddess and Her Western Counterparts
The Vedic and Post-Vedic Cults
Specializations: The Gupta Age
MahisamardinT and other Forms of Durga
Uma, Parvati, etc.
Laksm! and SarasvatT
Matrkas, YoginTs, etc.
Other Forms of the Goddess and their Shrines
Buddhist and Jain Goddesses
Mother Goddess and the Advanced Religious Systems
Mother Goddess and Christianity
Mother Goddess and Taoism
Mother Goddess and Buddhism :
Mother Goddess and Vaisijavism
Mother Goddess and !§aivism
Mother Goddess and Tantric Saktism
I. Regional Distribution of the Goddess Cult
The Epics and Puranas on Places Sacred to the Devt
The Dev! Shrines in Earlier Tantras and Purapa
The 108 Holy Resorts of the Mother Goddess
Some Important Sites and Toponyms
The Sakta PTthas
II. The Female-Dominated Societies
Economic Basis of the Social Domination of Sexes
Anthropologists on the Concept of Mother-right
Female-dominated Societies in Ancient Traditions
The Women's Kingdoms in India
Matriliny in Indian Societies
Matrilocal Marriage in India
The Philosophical Sahkhya
Two Important Views
The Non-Vedic Current
III. Fertility Rites as the Basis of Tantrieism
Prologue: The Tantric Sex Rites
Fertility Rites of the Vedic Age
Rites de Passage
Fertility and Funeral Rites
The Ritual of Wine
Female Principle in Rituals
IV. The Realm of Kamakhya


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