Verma, P. S.

Cell Biology,Genetics, Molecular Biology/ P. S. Verma, V. K. Agarwal. - 1st ed. - New Delhi: Chand (S.) & Co Ltd ,India, 2013. - xxiii, 294p.: ill.; 25 cm.

Cell Biology
1 Introduction
2 Techniques in Cell Biology
3 Cell
4 Cytoplasmic Matrix (Chemical Organization of the Cell)
5 Plasma Membrane and Cell Wall
6 Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
7 Golgi Apparatus
8 Lysosomes
9 Microbodies: Peroxisomes and Glyoxysomes
10 Mitochondria
11 Plastids (Chloroplasts, Photosynthesis and Vacuoles)
12 Nucleus
13 Chromosomes
14 Ribosomes
15 Cytoskeleton: Microtubules, Microfilaments and Intermediate Filaments
16 Centrioles and Basal Bodies
17 Cilia and Flagella
18 Cell Growth and Cell Division (Dell Cycle, Mitosis and Meiosis)
19 Reproduction
20 Gametogenesis
21 Fertilization
22 Parthenogenesis
23 Growth

1 Introduction
2 Genetical Terminology
3 Mendel and his Work
4 Genetic Interaction and Lethal Genes
5 Quantitative Genetics (Inheritance of Multiple Genes)
6 Inbreeding, Outbreeding and Hybrid Vigour
7 Linkage
8 Crossing Over
9 Genetic and Cytological Mapping of Chromosomes
10 Multiple Alleles
11 Fine Structure of Gene
12 Sex-linked Inheritance
13 Determination of Sex and Sex Differentiation
14 Chromosomal Mutation-I (Cytogenetics: Changes in Structure of Chromosome)
15 Chromosomal Mutation-II (Cytogenetics: Changes in Chromosome Number)
16 Gene Mutation
17 Cytoplasmic or Extra-Nuclear Inheritance
18 Human Genetics
19 Eugenics, Euphenics and Genetic Engineering
20 Transposable Genetic Elements (Jumping or Mobile Genes)

Molecular Biology
1 Introduction
2 Identification of the Genetic Materials
3 Chemical Nature of Genetic Materials (i.e. DNA and RNA)
4 Replication of DNA
5 Non-genetic Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) and Transcription
6 Genetic Code
7 Protein Synthesis
8 Regulation of Gene Action
9 Genetic Engineering (Isolation, Sequencing, Synthesis of Gene and DNA Fingerprinting)
10 Immunology
11 Genetic Recombination and Gene Transfer (Bacterial Conjugation, Transformation, Transduction, Episomes and Plasmids)

1 Introduction
2 Development of the Idea of Organic Evolution
3 Direct Evidences of Evolution: Fossils
4 Indirect Evidences of Evolution
5 Theories of Organic Evolution (Lamarckism, Darwinism, Modern Synthetic Theory, Germplasm Theory and Mutation Theory)
6 Selection in Action (Examples and Types of Natural Selection)
7 Population Genetics and Evolution
8 Evolution above Species Level (Adaptation, Adaptive Radiation, Microevolution, Macroevolution, Megaevolution, Punctuated Equilibria and Related Phenomena)
9 Isolation
10 Speciation
11 Barriers
12 Origin of Life

1 Introduction
2 Ecology in India
3 Environment
4 Abiotic Envrionmental Factors
5 Biotic Envrionmental Factors
6 Population (Population ecology)
7 Biotic Communities (Community ecology: Communities, niche and bioindicators)
8 Ecological Succession
9 Ecosystem: Structure and Function
10 Biogeochemical Cycles
11 Aquatic Ecosystems: Freshwater Communities
12 Aquatic Ecosystems: Estuaries and Marine Communities
13 Terrestrial Ecosystems
14 Pollution (Environmental Pollutants and Toxicology)
15 Ecology and Human Welfare (Natural Resource Ecology: Natural Resources, Conservation and Management)
16 Wild Life Management
17 Biogeography (Distribution of Animals and Plants)
18 Adaptations (Aquatic Adaptations, Volant Adaptations and Desert Adaptation)


Cell Biology
Molecular Biology

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