Personality, Identity, and Character: explorations in moral psychology edited by Darcia Narvaez, Daniel K. Lapsley - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. - 456 p. PB

1. The Moral Personality
Dan P. McAdams
2. The Moral Functioning of the Person as a Whole: On Moral
Psychology and Personality Science
Daniel Cervone and Ritu Tripathi
3. Moral Science? Still Metaphysical After All These Years
Owen Flanagan
4. Cultural Pluralism and Moral Identity
David B. Wong
5. Neuroscience and Morality: Moral Judgments, Sentiments,
and Values
Jorge Moll, Ricardo de Oliveira-Soitza, and Roland Zahn
6. Triune Ethics Theory and Moral Personality
Darcia Narvaez
7. Early Foundations: Conscience and the Development
of Moral Character
Ross A. Thompson
8. The Development of the Moral Personality
Daniel K. Lapsley and Patrick L Hill
9. Urban Neighborhoods as Contexts for Moral Identity
Daniel Hart and M. Kyle Matsuba
10. Moral Personality Exemplified
Lawrence ). Walker and Jeremy A. Frimer
11. Greatest of the Virtues? Gratitude and the Grateful
Robert A. Emmons
12. The Elusive Altruist: The Psychological Study
of the Altruistic Personality
Gustavo Carlo, Lisa M. PytlikZillig. Scott C. Roesch, and
Richard A. Dienstbier
13. Growing Toward Care: A Narrative Approach to
Prosocial Moral Identity and Generativity of Personality
in Emerging Adulthood
Michael W. Pratt, Mary Louise Arnold, and Heather Lawford
14. Moral Identity, Integrity, and Personal Responsibility
Barry R. Schlenker. Marisa L Miller, and Ryan M. Johnson
15. The Dynamic Moral Self: A Social Psychological Perspective
Benoit Monin and Alexander H. Jordan
16. The Double-Edged Sword of a Moral State of Mind
Linda J. Skitka and G. Scott Morgan
17. Moral Identity in Business Situations: A Social-Cognitive
Framework for Understanding Moral Functioning
Karl Aquino and Dan Freeman
18. The Moral Functioning of Mature Adults and the Possibility
of Fair Moral Reasoning
Augusto Blasi
19. Moral Personality: Themes, Questions, Futures
Darcia Narvaez and Daniel K. Lapsley


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