Issues of communication development and society/ Saxena,Ambrish - New Delhi: Kanishka publishers distributors, 2012. - 306

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Alternate Media and Development
1. Alternative Media: Need of the Hour
M Rab m' drcincUh •
2. A Study of Media for Development
Rishi Kant
3. Alternate Media, Development Issues and Society in Africa
Joshua Kipkemoi Boitt
4. Community Radio and Development
Bala Lakhendra
5. Encouraging Grassroot Media Activism through Community Radio
V. Ilamparithi, K.S. Krithika
6. Community Radio as an Alternative Tier of Broadcasting:
Scripting a New Role for Development
Arpita Sharma
7. Impact of Alternate Media on Development and Social Issues
Shail Mishra
8. Social Networking Sites as Alternative Tool of Political Communication:
Some Grassroot Experience
Raghavendra Mishra
9. Tools of Social Media for Fighting Against Corruption
K. Kulasekaran, P. Rajendran —
Society and Development Issues
10. Media as Catalyst of Social Change and Development: Issues and Concerns 94
Trisha Doweroh Bariiah
11. Video A Tool for Participatory Communication 110
Anjali Capita. Nilaiikslia Sachdev
12. Politics of Representation of New Woman in Indian 129
Cinema Between 1990 and 2010
Stioma A. Chatterji
13. New Media Effect on Psychology of College Students 138
Aniiradha Mis fir a Gaur
14. Innovation Enhancing Creation among Youth 144
(A Study Conducted among Youth in Delhi)
Pragati Bhalla
15. Impact of Cartoon Shows on Children 153
Atoihita Malilc
16. Social Media Net\vorking and Concept of International Citizenship 163
Gagan Gera
17. Innovation in ICTs and Indian Rural Development " 168
Archana Kaloch
18. Tlie Self-Publishing Dimension and Problems of Small Publishers in India 180
Ajoy Kumar Chalterji
Information, Education and Media
19. Information and Education Role of Media 187
Pariil Malhotra
20. Role of Media in Information and Education 197
Shobhani Saxena
21. Role of Media in Education in India 208
C. Gladson Clifford Joe
22. Media and its Content in the Role of Women Empowerment and 214
Education from Feminist Perspective
Payel Das
23. Role of Media in Creating Awareness on Adoption of Green 224
Building Concept
Rachna Dhingra, Geeta Katarya
24. Empowerment of Fisherwomen through Community Radio 237
Arpita Sharma. Adita Sharma
Role of Media in Spreading Education
25. Education througli Ainvaves
Priyanka Bhatlacharjee
26. Role of Social Media in Non-Fonnal Education
Suyash Mishra
27. Application of Mobile Technology in Distance Education:
Prospects and Challenges
Juri Hazarika, Ankiiran Dutla and Himangshu Goswami
Role of Media Education in Promoting Informal Education in Democracy
V.L Dharurkar, Alahianda S. Pandit
Role of Religious TV Channels in Spiritual Development
Sunil Kumari
30. Role of Media Trends and Technologies Towards Education
AJC Srivastava. Lot a Tripathi
31. The so Called 'Elitisf Form of Media is Part of the Hoi Polloi
Somali Chowdhury t
List of Contributors


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