Pop-Porn/ pornography in american culture Hall,Ann C. - London: Praeger, 2007. - 208

Front Matter; Pushing the Envelope: The Roleof the Mass Mediain the Mainstreaming of Pornography; Panda Porn, Children, Google, and Other Fantasies; The Making of a Pre-Pubescent Porn Star; Hot Bodies on Campus:The Performance of Porn Chic; One Night in Paris (Hilton); Fear Factor: Pornography, Reality Television, and Red State America; Freak Shows in Jesus Land: Howard Sternand George Bush's America; Toys Are Us: Contemporary Feminisms and the Consumption of Sexuality; Clean Porn: The Visual Aesthetics of Hygiene, Hot Sex, and Hair Removal. Your Privacy's Showing: Pornography at Your Local LibraryNotes; Index; About the Editors and Contributors.


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