Fementation effects on food properties/ Mehta,Bhavbhuti M. [ed.] - Boca,Raton: CRC press, 2012. - 385

Introduction; B. M. Mehta, R. Z. Iwanski, and A. Kamal-EldinComplex Microbial Communities as Part of Fermented Food Ecosystems and Beneficial Properties;M. Imran, N. Desmasures, and J.-P. VernouxThe Role of Fermentation Reactions in the Generation of Flavor and Aroma of Foods; J. CarballoEffect of Fermentation Reactions on Rheological Properties of Foods; R. Z. Iwanski, M. Wianecki, I. Dmytrow, and K. KryzaThe Role of Fermentation Reactions in Changing the Color of Foods; E. Sendra, M. E. Sayas-Barbera, J. Fernandez-Lopez, and J. A. Perez-AlvarezThe Role of Fermentation in Providing Biologically Active Compounds for the Human Organism; A. Kamal-EldinThe Role of Fermentation in the Elimination of Harmful Components Present in Food Raw Materials; A.SavadogoFortification Involving Products Derived from Fermentation Processes; P. Berry Ottaway and S. JenningsFermented Cereal and Legume Products; A. Kamal-EldinFermented Vegetables Products; E. Malinowska-PanczykFermented Dairy Products; B. M. Mehta and M. Nogueira de OliveiraFermented Seafood Products; N. H. Joshi and Z. Coppes PetricorenaFermented Meat Products; K. Lachowicz, J. Zochowska-Kujawska, and M. SobczakProcess Control in Food Fermentation; R. TylingoFinal Remarks; B. M. Mehta and A. Kamal-EldinIndex


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