Cultural anthropology/ Fortun, Kim [ed.] - 1st.ed. - Los Angeles: SAGE, 2009.

VOLUME 1: MOORINGS Operations of 'Culture' Thick Description: Toward an interpretive theory of culture --
Clifford Geertz No Nature/ No Culture --
Marilyn Strathern Beyond 'Culture': Space, identity, and the politics of difference --
Gupta Akhil and James Ferguson The Interpretation of Culture(s) after Television --
Lila Abu-Lughod Culture and Cultural Analysis as Experimental Systems --
Michael M.J. Fischer Designing Research Up the Anthropologist: Perspectives gained from studying up --
Laura Nader Ethnography In/Out of the World System: The emergence of multisited ethnography --
George Marcus Contingent Stories of Anthropology, Race and Feminism --
Paula Ebron Analytics Nietzche, Genealogy, History --
Michel Foucault 'Introduction', Technologies of Gender: Essays on theory, film and fiction --
Teresa De Lauretis Subaltern Studies: Deconstructing historiography --
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Genre, Intertextuality and Social Power --
Charles L Briggs and Richard Bauman Articulating the Archaic:

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