Social inequality & the politics of representation/ a global landscape Pascale, Celine-Marie - 1st.ed. - Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, Inc, 2012-09-25. - 368

1. Class Invisibility and Sflgniatization: Irish Media
Coverage of" a Public Housing Estate in Limerick
Martin J. Power, Eoin Devereux, and . {manda Havnes
2. Inequality and Representation: Critical Discourse
Analysis of News Coverage About Honielessness
yiviane de Mc/o Rcsende and I'iviane Ranialho
3. Linguistic Discrimination, Poverty, and the Otomi in Mexico
Roland Terhorg and Laura Garcia Landa
4. Race-Class Intersections as Interactional Resources In
Post-Apartheid South Africa
Kevin Whitehead
5. The Representation of Ethnic-Cultural "Otherness":
The Roma Minority in Serbian Press
Natasa Simeunovic Bajic
6. "You are trying to make it a racial issue!": Race-Baiting and
Social Categorization in Recent U.S. Immigration Debates
Shiao-Yitn Chiang
7. Global Media and Cultural Identities:
The Case of Indians in Post-Amin Uganda
Hemant Shah
8. Representing and Reconstructing Chinatown:
A Social Semiotic Analysis of Place Names in Urban
Planning Policies of Washington, D.C.
Jackie Jia Lou
9. Sexual Citizenship and Suffering Subjects: Media Discourse
About Teenage Homosexuality in South Korea
Hae Yean Choo and Myra Marx Ferree
10. Hidden Sexualities: Behind the Veil and in the Swamps
Sanyo Osha
11. The Bad and the Good (Queer) Immigrant in Italian Mass Media
Valentino Pagliai
12. The Surplus of Paradoxes: Queering Images of Sexuality and Economy
Antke Engel
13. Positioning the Veiled Woman: An Analysis of Austrian Press
Photographs in the Context of the European Headscarf Debates
Ricarda Dnteke, Susanne Kirchhojf, and Elisabeth Klaus
14. Constructing and Being the "Other": Young Men's Talk on
Ethnic and Racist Violence
Kjerstin Andersson
15. Language as a Means of "Civilizing" the Kurdish Women in Turkey
Ebi-u Sungun
16. Contested Identity: Transgendered People in Malaysia
Caesar DeAlwis, Maya Khemlani David, and Francisco Perlas Dumanig
17. Language and Identity: I^irkish Soap Operas and Language Policy in the
Bulgarian Mediascape
Nadezhda Georgieva-Stankova
18. Tiny Netizens Mocking the Great Firewall: Discourse,
Power, and the Politics of Representation in China, 2005 to 2010
Weizhun Mao
19. Framing Extreme Violence: The Collective Memory-Making
of Argentina's Dirty War
Roberta Villaldn
20. The Changing Dynamics of Political Discourse About
Orphans in Soviet and Post-Soviet Periods
Margarita Astoyants


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