Making democracy work/ civic traditions in modern Italy Putnam,Robert D. - 1st.ed. - New jersey: Princeton university press, 1992. - 258

Chapter 1
Introduction: Studying Institutional Performance
A Voyage of Inquiry
Charting the Voyage
Methods of Inquiry
Overview of the Book
Chapter 2
Changing the Rules: Two Decades of Institutional
Creating Regional Government
The Regional Political Elite: "A New V/ay of
Doing Politics"
The Deepening of Regional Autonomy
Putting Down Roots: The Region and its Constituents
Chapter 3
Measuring Institutional Performance
Twelve Indicators of Institutional Performance
Coherence and Reliability of the Index of Institutional
Institutional Performance and Constituency Evaluations
Chapter 4
Explaining Institutional Performance
Socioeconomic Modernity
The Civic Community: Some Theoretical Speculations
The Civic Community: Testing the Theory
Social and Political Life in the Civic Community
Other Explanations for Institutional Success?
Chapter 5
Tracing the Roots of the Civic Community
The Civic Legacies of Medieval Italy
Civic Traditions After Unification
Measuring the Durability of Civic Traditions
Economic Development and Civic Traditions
Chapter 6
Social Capital and Institutional Success
Dilemmas of Collective Action
Social Capital, Trust, and Rotating Credit Associations
Norms of Reciprocity and Netyvorks of Civic Engagement
History and Institutional Performance: Two Social
Lessons from the Italian Regional Experiment


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