TY - BOOK TI - Recent trends in horticultural biotechnology SN - 8189422596 U1 - 635 PY - 2007/// CY - New Delhi PB - NIPA N1 - Foreword - Prof. V.L Chopra XI Contents Acknoxoledgement dH Preface iv SESSION II: Molecular Markers and their Exploitation 77. Molecular Diversity among South East Asian Coconut {Cocos nucifera L.) Germplasm Accessions Based on ISSR Markers R. Manimekalai, P. Nagarajan, M. Bharathi, Anitha Kanin P.M.Kumaran and V.A.Parthasarathy 479 78. Assessment of Genetic Variability in Black Pepper {Piper nigrum L.) Varieties Through RAPD and AFLP Analyses P.A. Nazeem, R. Keshavacliandran, T.D. Babu, C.R.Achuthan D. Girija and K.V.Peter 485 79. Assessment of Genetic Diversity and Relationships Among Some Grape Varieties using ISSR PGR Based Markers Manjusha Dhane, S.A.Tamhankar, S.G. Patil G.S. Karibasappa and V.S. Rao 491 80. AFLP Polymorphism and Pythium Rresponse in Zingiber species Kavitha, P.G., Pratibha Nair, Aswati Nair, R, Jayachandran B.K, Sabii, M. and George Thomas 497 81. Marker Assisted Selection for Purple Blotch Disease Resistance in Onion {Alliiim cepa L.). Ganesh C. T. and Veeregowda, R. 505 82. Genetic Diversity in Some Wild and Cultivated Germplasms in VIGNA by RAPD Marker B. Roychoudhury,Sxvagata Ghosh, N. Mandal and T. Dasgupta 515 83. DNA Fingerprinting in Tapioca (Manihot esculenta crantz.) Santha V. Pillai and S. Sundaresan 525 84. RAPD Analysis of Monoclonal and Polyclonal Seedlings of Hevea brasiliensis P.Sobhana, Molly Thomas and James Jacob 531 XII 85. Genetic Divergence Analysis of Nendran (AAB) licotypes of Banana (Musn spp.) using RAPD Marker and Morphological Traits C Rnjmmnicknm and K. Rajniohnti ' 537 86. RAPD Analysis of Banana (Musa AAB Plantain subgroup) Clones Simi, S., K. Rnjmolmn and K.B. Soni 545 87. Molecular Characterization of Psidiiim spp. using RAPD Markers Ansliii SJmrmn, K.S. Boom, R.S. Singlirot and S.K. Sclimwat 553 88. Molecular Characterization of Ber (ZizipJnis nmiihtinna Lamk) Germplasm S. Raja, S.K. Sehrnwat, K.S. Boom and D.S. Daliiija 559 89. Application of RAPD Technique to Study the Genetic Relationship of Orchids Syamali Chakrabarti 5^5 90. Detection of Genetic Variability in Ashgourd {Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn.) Using RAPD Markers /. Resmi, I. Sreelatliakntnanj and K. Rajniohan 571 91. Application of RAPD in Characterization of Germplasm Including a Novel Segmented Leaf Genotype in Bottle Gourd Hari Har Ram and Kavita Shanna 579 92. Detection of Genetic Variability in Drumstick (Moringa oleifem lam.) • using RAPD Markers D. S. Resmi, V. A. Celine, L. Rajamony, K. B. Sony 587 93. RAPD Analysis of Centella asiatica Ecotypes G.R. Pradeep Krishnan, C.N. Vishnu Pmsad, K. Rajrnohan and K.B. Soni 593 94. Fingerprinting and Genetic Diversity of Purple Blotch Disease Resistant and Susceptible Genotypes of Onion (Allium cepa L.) using RAPD Markers. Ganesh C. T. and Veeregowda, R. 599 95. Screening of PGR Primers for Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Shell Thickness Marker P.K.Mandal and R.S.N.Pillai 613 96. Development of Protocols for DNA Extraction and Amplification in Onion {Allium cepa L.) for RAPD Analysis Ganesh, C.T., Veere Gowda, R., Narayanaswamy P. and Ramanjini Gowda, P. H. 619 97. Standardizcition of Gciieration of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA's in Chrysanthemum S.K. Selirnwat, K.S. Boom, Rmijit Kuomr, D.S. Daliiyn (Did R.K. Goynl ^27 98. Genetic Fingerprinting of Piper nigruin L. and Piper longuin L. Cultivars using RAPD Markers R.Keshavnchandrmi, P.A.Nnzeeiu and I.LKnrilialoo 635 99. Genetic Basis for Sex Determination in Date Palm {Phoenix dnctylifera L.) Rnjendrmi, P mid IhrnJiiiii Snker AJ-Mssnlleiii 641 100. Study of Isozyme Polymorphism in Musa Cultivars of Kerala Retm Menoii, KM. Sunny, Nishn Jose, PA. Nnzeeni R. Keslinvachandran and Shakunthnla Nnir 649 SESSION III: Molecular Cloning of Genes 101. Isolation, Cloning and Characterization of Genes Encoding Fungal Endochitinase Sniprasad, G.V.S., MytJiili, J.B., Lnlithn Annnd, Snneetha, C. and Rashmi, H.J. 653 102. Molecular Cloning of a cDNA Fragment Encoding Hydroxy Methyl Clutaryl CoA Reductase in Piper colubrimim D. Girija, P.S. Beena, P.A. Nazeem and M.G. Puroshothama 663 103. Cloning of Endochitinase Gene from Native Isolates of Trichoderma Spp, Aishwarya R. Anigol, Siimangala Bhat and M.s. Kumvinashetti 671 104. Cloning and Expression of Prophenoloxidase (PPO) gene and its Activating Enzyme from Heliothis arniigera Bindiya Sachdev, Neerna Agrawal, Tarannuni Ahmad S.Sivakumar and R. K. Bhatnagar. 683 105. Cloning of Coat Protein Gene of Kursupara Isolate of Cardamom mosaic Virus for Developing Transgenic virus-resistant cardamom S.Backiyarani, C.Manohari, T.Jebasingh, Thomas Jacob and R.Usha 693 106. Cloning of crylAb Gene from a New Indigenous Isolate of Bacillus thuringiensis Devendra Jain, Sana S.Dev, P. Indra And Selvi and V. Udayastiriyan 699 XIII XIV SESSION IV: Genetic Modification for Crop Improvement 107. Studies on The Influence of Cytokinin Independent Gene (CKIl) on Explant Differentiation in Tomato a\ Arka Vikas Through Agrohacteriinn Mediated Transformation MytJiili, ].B, Narasimlin Miirtlnj, D.K and Lalitha Auand 703 108. Agrobacterium-Medidded Transformation using Green Fluorescence Protein (GPP) in Papaya (Cnricn papaya L.) N.N. Renukdas and S.K.Rawal 711 109. Factors Affecting Agrobacterium tiimefaciens Mediated Transformation in Ginger (Zingiber ofpcinale Rose.) Siima, B. and Keshavachandran, R. 721 110. Tuber Specific Overproduction of Cytokinins Results in Enhanced Tuber Number in Transgenic Potato Nisha K. K. and Punisliothama M. G. 727 111. Agrobacterium Mediated Genetic Transformation in Dendrobium R. Szvarnapiria, K. RajmoJian 731 112. Development of Transgenic Cassava : Optimization of Protocol for Agrobacterium Mediated Gene Transfer Sheela, M.N. and Nigel J. Taylor 739 113. In Vitro Regeneration and Transformation of Coleus forskohlii With Glucanase-Chitinase Gene Miss Khin My at Lwin, Ramanjini Gowda P.H, T.K.S. Goxoda Nageslm N, Sreenevasa.S. Manjunatha. T. V.U Patil Vasundhara. M, and Chandrashaker. S.C 74:7 114. In Vitro Micro Propagation and Transformation of Contoloupe (Cucumis melo L.) with GUS Gene Through Agrobacterium Mediated Transformation Nagesha N., Devaiah B.N., Ramesh B.N, and Ramanjini Gowda P.H. 753 115. Transformation Studies in Chilli {Capsicum annuiim L.) Jayapadma P.N., Sumangala Bhat and M.S. Kuruvinasbetti 761 116. Agrobacterium Mediated Genetic Transformation in Bell Pepper {Capsicum annuum L.) A.G. Fatima, D. Girija, C.S. Meera, P.A. Nazeem and Lissamma Joseph . 765 117. Induction of Hairy Roots in Holostemma ada-kodien with Agrobacterium rhizogenes S.H. Karmarkar and R. Keshavachandran 769 SESSION V: Plant Microbe Interactions 118. Novel Diastereomeric Antifungal Peptides against PJn/tophfhora capsici the Causative Agent of Quick Wilt Disease of Black Pepper Mnnoj, K. /., Suresh Kumar, U., Santliosh Kumar, K. Anandaraj, M. and George Thomas 773 119. Induction of Systemic Resistance Against Die-back and Fruit Rot of Chillies by Pseudomonas fluorescens B. Meena and T. Marimuthu yg^ 120. Potential of Facultative Methylotrophs in Increasing the Yield of Tomato Crop G.Thangamani and SP.Siindaram 739 121. Efficacy of Rhizosphere Microflora from Black Pepper Nursery against Phytophthora Rot Pathogen Reshmy Vija\/aragJiai)an and KosJiy Abraham 797 122. Studies on The Impact of Bio-Fertilizers with Levels of NPK on Onion {Allium cepa L.) cv. Bellary Red Mahanthesh, B., Venkatesha, }., Radhakrishna, D., Umesha, K. and Veere Gowda, R. gQ5 SESSION VI: Environmental and Industrial Biotechnology 123. Ethylene Mediated Modulation of Glucanase Activity in Ginger {Zingiber officinale Rose.) P. Deepfhy Antony, Thomas, G. and M.G, Purushothama 813 124. Screening of Mesorhizobiiim ciceri Isolates for Development of Biofertilizer Strains for Chickpea Production Kanika, R.K. Manila and L.R, Kashyap 817 125. Effect of Microbial Antagonists on the Management of Bacterial Wilt in Tomato Sally K. Mathew, Manimala, R., Surendra Gopal, K. and Nirmala Devi, S. g23 126. Biochemical Basis of Shoot and Fruit Borer {Leucinodes orbonalis G.) Resistance in Brinjal {Solarium melongena L.) M.Prabhu, S.Natarajan and Pugalenthi 829 127. Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (YAM) Enhances the Drought Stress Tolerance of Sesbania sesban Jos T Puthur ggy 128. Effect of Soil Solarization and Biocontrol Agents in Growth Enhancement of Black Pepper Cuttings Reslimy Vijayaraghavan, Kosliy Abraham and Dccpa James 849 129. Influence of Beneficial Microbes on Damping off Disease and Seedling Vigour in Solanaceous Vegetables Sally K. Matlow, Sadankumar, P.G., Nirmala Dei'i, S. ami Krishnan, S. 130. Role of Pseudomonas fluorescens in the Integrated Management of Rhizome Rot Disease of Banana. Usha.N.K and Anita Clierian K 131. Potential of Rhizobacteria in the Management of Soil Borne Pathogen Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn. Rcliiimatli Niza, T.j., Saif Ncesa, T.K., Sally K. Mathew Koshy Abraham and Siirendra Gopal, K. 865 132. Efficacy of Selected Epiphytic Microflora from Pod Surface against Phytophthora Pod Rot of Cocoa R. Bhavani and Koshy Abraham 133. Use of Metachromasia to Study the Chemical Nature of LPS from Specific and Non-Specific Strain Ganesh K.S and Uma S. Podder 134. Evaluation of Fungal Antagonists against Leaf Spot Pathogens of Ivy Gourd {Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt) Deepa Davis, S. Beena, Sally K. Mafhew and Koshy Abraham 883 135. Mechanism of Antagonism of Selected Epiphytic Antagonists against Phytophthora palmivora: The Incitant of Pod Rot of Cocoa R. Bhavani and Koshy Abraham 136. Efficacy of Antagonists Against Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens of Kacholam {Kaempferia galanga L.) K Priya, Sheela Paul T and Beena S 137. Participatory Assessment of Native Trichoderma Isolates in Newly Planted Pepper Gardens of Kerala Rehumath Niza, T.j., Koshy Abraham, Nybe, E.V. and Prince, E.J. 138. Induction of Mutation in Trichoderma virens using UV-Irradiation Top G. Tharaniyil and P.K. Mukherjee 139. Mol6culcir CharactGrization of An Endophytic NitrogGn Fixing Bacterium Associated with Black Pepper D. Giiijn, A/1. B. Bindu, P.A. Nazeetii, G. Sunil KrisHna and Jasiri Inyasiiuliaji 140. Characterization of Plant Growth Promoting Bacillus sp. from Chickpea Rhizosphere Sivarnmainh, N, Sindhu, S.S mid Dadnnuai K.R. 917 141. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Association in Different Species of Sesame Svenip John, AAmioj Sebastian, D.Alexander, Shyani S.Kump and K. Rajmo Jian ^25 142. Biochemical Response of Tomato Calli of Resistant Genotypes to the Crude Toxins of Foliar Pathogens Relnimatli Niza, T.j. and Narayanasaniy, P. 929 143. Selective Retention of Cadmium and Lead in Tomato (Lycopersicon escnlentiun Mill.) Vanisri, K., Sam T. KiinimtJiottical and AAarykutty, K.C. 935 144. Mitochondria Isolation, SDH Assay and Protein ProfUing in Potato [Solanuni tiiherosuni L.) Tubers for Improving Shelf Life Pradeep Kumar Shiikla, P. Misra, Gurdeep Bains, S.K. Gum Alok Shukla and R.C. Pant 94I 145. Lipid Isolation and Characterization in Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.) roots Pragati Mishra, P. K. Shukla, S.K. Gum, Alok Shukla and R.C. Pant 947 146. Biochemical Investigations of Enriched Coir Pith Compost Materials Sushama, P.K. and Hari, T.K. 957 SESSION VII: Bioinformatics and Biosafety Issues of Transgenic Crops 147. Homology Modeling of CrylAc and its Comparison with Receptor Binding Region of CrylAa Arunkumar. K. Ramasamy and V. Udayasuriyan 963 148. Bioinformatics - a KAU Perspective Keshavachnndran, R, Ajitha T.K, Lavina C.V, Deepthy P.S Nazeem P.A and Girija D 957 ER -