Women's empowerment and gender insecurities/ a South Asian perspective Chakraborty, Ranjita [ed.] - Kolkata: Levant Books, 2009. - 205 p

Section I: \Cbmen's Empowerment
1. Interrogating the Challenges to Women's
Empowerment Through Participation
— Ranjita Chakraborty
2. Gender and Political Empowerment:
Experiences of Women in Local Governance
— Mahbuba Nasreen
3. Exercising Poor Women's Rights and
The Paradox of Social Capitals:
A Case of Proshika in a Dhaka Slum
— Mohammed Kammzzaman
and Fatema Mahmuda
4. Women in Bhutan: Present Status and
Challenges Ahead
— Maitreyee Chotidhury
Section II: Gender Insecurities
5. Captive Subjects: Gender-based Violence,
Culture and the Crises of International
Hiunan Rights Interventions
— Oishik Sircar
6. Missing Girl Child — A Shocking Decline
in North Bengal: Some Observations
— Ratna Roy Sanyal
7. Working Mothers and Child Survival:
A Critical Exploration of the West
Bengal Experience
— Tannistha Samanta
8. Young Women and their Vulnerability
—A menla Nuken


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