Levy statistics and laser cooling Bardou,Francois/ how rare events bring atoms to rest Bardou,Francois..(et al). - 1st.ed. - UK: Cambridge university press, 2001. - 199

1. Introduction; 2. Subrecoil laser cooling and anomalous random walks; 3. Trapping and recyling. Statistical properties; 4. Broad distributions and Levy statistics: a brief overview; 5. Proportion of atoms trapped in quasi-dark states; 6. Momentum distribution; 7. Physical discussion; 8. Tests of the statistical approach; 9. Example of application: optimization of the peak of cooled atoms; 10. Conclusion; Appendix A. Correspondence of the parameters of the statistical models with atomic and laser parameters; Appendix B. The Doppler case; Appendix C. The special case mu = 1.


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