Recent Issues Concerning Violence Against Women/ Singh, Subhash Chandra [ed.] - New Delhi: Serials Publications, 2011. - x, 185p.

O Criminalization of Marital Rape: An Analysis..
ILmtan Singh & Jasdeei- K/\.ur
Domestic Violence Act: A Mile Stone of Protection
Arvindeka Chaudhary
O Challenges of Indian Women in BPO Industry.
P. Srinfvas Subbarao &P. Suseeea Rani
O Intimate Partner Violence: The Glaring Reality
Fatima Quraishi & ISHA Khurana
O Honour Crimes-Atrocious Women Victimization by tlie Shielders
of the Social and Cultural Reputes: An International Perspective
Jyothi Vishwanatii & Srinivas C. Palakonda
O Domestic Violence Against Women: A Human Rights Violation
B. Suguna Reddy
O Child Abuse
O Women Entrepreneurs in Uttar Pradesh
(Special Reference to Kanpur and Allahabad)
Dinesh Kumar
Domestic Violence Experienced by Working and Non-working ....
Women in Urban and Rural Areas of Jammu Region
Bharti Prabhakar & Nidhi Kotwal
O Violence against Ke.nyan Women's - Some Issues
S. B. Akash & Bichanga Evans
O Ban on Burqa: Piercing the Veil..
Charu Modi
O Working Women: Problems, Statutes and Judicial Decisions.
M. S. Benjamin
Transition from Joint hamily to Nuclear Family and Elderly
Binusha Joie
O Violence Against Women With Special Reference to ..
Domestic Violence in India
D. PuLi^v Rao
O Klder Abuse: An Impediment for Justice and Wellbeing..
K. SuNrcniA
O Violence Against Women in India: Issues and Policies ...
N. Radiiakrishnan
O Child Sexual Abuse: Snatching the Smile Forever..
Dkupanshi & Anjali
O Policies and Framework to Prevent Child Abuse in .
Street Children: An Indian Perspective
Smv Shrutika & Vanoana Jai.swal


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