Human Security/ Concepts and Implication Tadjbakhsh,Shahrbanou - 1st.ed. - London: Routledge, 2007. - 288

Introduction Part 1: Concepts 1. Rationale and Political Usage 2. Definitions, Critiques and Counter-Critiques 3. A Paradigm Shift in Security Studies? 4. Human Security and Human Development: Shadow or Threshold? 5. Debating Dignity: Human Security and Human Rights Part 2: Implications 6. Underdevelopment and Conflict: A Vicious Cycle? 7. The State and its Domestic Responsibilities 8. Intervention, Engagement and the Responsibilities of the International Community 9. Externalities of Human Security: The Role of International Aid 10. Concluding Thoughts: Whither Human Security?


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