Political Leadership/ edited by David S.Bell - Los Angels: SAGE, 2011. - 335 p.

The Political Morality ofLeadership
52. Clean and Dirty Hands in Politics "3
Hans Oberdiek
53. Leadership Ethics: Mapping the Territory 25
Joanne B. Ciulla
54. Statesmanship and Ethics:The Case of Thomas Jefferson's Dirty Hands 47
Stephanie P. Newbold
55. Kant's Advice for Leaders:"No,You Aren't Special" 63
TerryL Price
56. Political Action:The Problem ofDirty Hands 83
Michael Walzer
57. The Pole ofPower and the Pole of indifference 99
Arnold Wolfers
58. Statesmanship and Moral Choice 119
Arnold Wolfers
The Leadership Entourage
59. The Creation of Uncertainty 137
60. Leader-Member Exchange Model of Leadership:A Critique
and Further Development 159
Richard M.Dienesch and Robert C. Liden
61. Leadership,Followership, Self,and Others 181
Edwin P. Hollander
Discourse and Symbolism in Leadership
62. Understanding Formality:The Categorization and Production
of formal interaction 197
J. MaxwellAtkinson
63. Aphorisms and Cliches:The Generation and Dissipation
of Conceptual Charisma 227
Murray S.Davis
64. Downplaying Leadership: Researching How Leaders Talk
about Themselves 251
RobertFrench and Peter Simpson
65. Questions about Autobiographical Leadership 263
Peter Gronnvi Contents
66. Aphorisms and Leaders'Rhetoric:A New Analytical Approach 275
Kevin Morrell
67. Leading by Biography:Towards a Life-story Approach to
the Study ofLeadership 293
Boas Shamir,Hava Dayan-Horesh and Dalya Adler
The Cycle ofLeadership and Presidential
68. Theory and History, Structure and Agency 315
Stephen Skowronek
69. Response 327
Stephen Skowronek
70. Comments on Theory and History, Structure and Agency 343
Douglas J. Hoekstra
71. What Politics Do Presidents Mike? 347
Sidney M. Milkis
72. Charisma, Leader Effects and Support for Right-Wing Populist Parties 361
Wouter van der Drug and Anthony Mughan
73. Political Leadership and the Emergence ofRadical Mass
Movements in Democracy 383
Takis S.Pappas


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