TY - BOOK TI - Political Leadership SN - 978085702088 U1 - 320 PY - 2011/// CY - Los Angels PB - SAGE N1 - Volume I Theories ofLeadership 1. Theory oflVansformational Leadership Redux 3 Bernard M.Bass 2. Leadership Theory and Administrative Behavior: The Problem ofAuthority 21 Warren G.Bennis 3. The Romance Lives On: Contemporary Issues Surrounding the Romance ofLeadership 55 Michelle C.Bligh and Birgit Schyns 4. The Concept ofPolitical Leadership: An Analysis 75 L^on Dion 5. Visionary Political Leadership: On Improving a Risky Requisite 93 Yehezkel Dror 6. Approaches to the Comparative Analysis ofPolitical Leadership 111 Lewis J.Edinger 7. Where Are the Political Superstars? 125 Lewis J.Edinger 8. Political Leadership as a Causative Phenomenon: Some Recent Analyses 143 Chong-Do Hah and Frederick C.Bartol 9. History, Political Science and the Study ofLeadership 163 Erwin C.Hargrove 10. Brinkmanship apd Beyond: The Political Leadership ofFranklin D.Roosevelt 179 Jaap Hoogenhoezem 11. Prudence as a Paradigm for Political Leaders 199 Wynne Walker Moskop 12. Leadership and Politics:A Case for a Closer Relationship? 223 Gillian Peele 13. Political Leadership as Social Capital: Governing in a Divided National Culture 243 StanleyA Renshon 14. Poor Man,Rich Man,Big-Man,Chief: Political Types in Melanesia and Polynesia 273 MarshallD.Sahlinsvi Contents 15. Culture and Charisma: Outline ofa Theoiy 293 Philip Smith 16. The Good Society and the Good Soul:Plato's Republic on Leadership 311 Thad Williamson Volume n Do Leaders Make a Difference? 17. Biography and the Assessment ofTYansformational Leadership at the World-Class Level 3 Bernard M.Bass, Bruce J.Avolio and Laurie Goodheim 18. Compliant Behavior and Individual Personality 19 Reinhard Bendix 19. Let Us Now Praise Great Men:Bringing the Statesman Back In 35 Daniel L.Byman and Kenneth M.Pollack 20. Wellsprings ofPolitical Leadership 73 James MacGregorBurns 21. Gertrude Himmelfarb:A Historian Considers Heroes and Their Historians 89 Lewis S.Feuer 22. The Qualities ofEffective Presidents:An Overview from FDR to Bill Clinton 107 Fred /. Greenstein 23. How Decision Units Shape Foreign Policy:A Theoretical Framework 117 Margaret G.Hermann 24. Transactional and TYansformational Leadership:A Constructive/ Developmental Analysis 149 Karl W.Kuhnertand Philip Lewis 25. Innovative Leadership and Policy Change: Lessons from Thatcher 161 Jeremy Moon 26. Heroic Power in Thomas Carlyle and Leo Tolstoy 187 Ilia Stambler Weber's View 27. Critical Remarks on Weber's Theoiy ofAuthority 207 Peter M.Blau 28. Political Leadership and the Problem ofthe Charismatic Power 227 Carl J.Friedrich 29. Max Weber on the Ethical Irrationality ofPolitical Leadership 245 Nicholas Gane 30. Charisma:A Blighted Concept and an Alternative Formula 261 William Spinrad 31. The Theory ofCharismatic Leadership 279 Robert C. DickerContents vii 32. An Evaluation ofConceptual Weaknesses in TVansformational and Charismatic Leadership Theories 301 Gary Yukl Machiavelli's Analysis ofLeadership 33. Public versus Private Claims: Machiavellianism from Another Perspective 327 John Leonard 34. Machiavelli's Missing Romulus and the Murderous Intent ofThe Prince 341 Joseph M.Parent 35. Ethics and Politics in Machiavelli 363 G.H.R.Parkinson 36. Machiavelli's Soderini and the Problem of Necessity 373 Daniel R.Sabia Jr Volume ni Modem Theory 37. Liberalism and Leadership: Lockean Roots 3 David R. Weaver Personality ofPolitical Leaders 38. The Fieiy Chariot: British Prime Ministers and the Search for Love 25 Hugh Berrington 39. When Power Changes Hands:The Political Psychology of Leadership Succession in Democracies 53 Fredrik Bynander and Paul'tHart 40. Assessing Presidential Character 77 AlexanderL George 41. Barber's Typological Analysis ofPolitical Leaders 121 JamesH.Quails 42. Can Personality and Politics Be Studied Systematically? 191 Fred /. Greenstein 43. The Impact ofPersonality on Politics: An Attempt to Clear Away Underbrush 215 Fred 1. Greenstein 44. Family Experience and Political Leadership:An Examination ofthe Absent Father Hypothesis 237 Micheline V Guiton and Elizabeth W.Marvick 45. The Outsider as Political Leader:The Case of MargaretThatcher 247 Anthony Kingviii Contents 46. The Leadership ofPragmatism Reconsidering Franklin in the Age ofCharisma 269 MichaelD.Mumford and Judy R. Van Doom 47. Personality and Political Leadership 303 Robert C.Dicker 48. The Georges'Wilson Reexamined: An Essay on Psychobiography 315 Robert C.Dicker Questions ofEquality 49. Why Men Rule:A Theory of Mcile Dominance 339 Steven Goldberg 50. Beyond Hillary and Benazir: Women's Political Leadership Worldwide 375 Farida Jalalzai and Mona Lena Krook 51. Book Review:Sex in the Social Order(The Inevitability ofPatriarchy) by Steven Goldberg(Morrow,New York,1973.256 pp.$6.95.) 395 Eleanor E.Maccoby Volume IV The Political Morality ofLeadership 52. Clean and Dirty Hands in Politics 3 Hans Oberdiek 53. Leadership Ethics: Mapping the Territory 25 Joanne B. Ciulla 54. Statesmanship and Ethics:The Case ofThomas Jefferson's Dirty Hands 47 Stephanie P. Newbold 55. Kant's Advice for Leaders:"No,You Aren't Special" 63 Terry L. Price 56. Political Action:The Problem ofDirty Hands 83 Michael Walzer 57. The Pole ofPower and the Pole ofIndifference 99 Arnold Wolfers 58. Statesmanship and Moral Choice 119 Arnold Wolfers The Leadership Entourage 59. The Creation of Uncertainty 137 E.G. Bailey 60. Leader-Member Exchange Model ofLeadership:A Critique and Further Development 159 Richard M.Dienesch and Robert C. Liden 61. Leadership,Followership, Self,and Others 181 Edwin P. HollanderContents ix Discourse and Symbolism in Leadership 62. Understanding Formality:The Categorization and Production of'Formal'Interaction I97 J. MaxwellAtkinson 63. Aphorisms and Cliches:The Generation and Dissipation ofConceptual Charisma 227 Murray S.Davis 64. Downplaying Leadership: Researching How Leaders Talk about Themselves 251 RobertFrench and Peter Simpson 65. Questions about Autobiographical Leadership 263 Peter Gronn 66. Aphorisms and Leaders'Rhetoric:A New Analytical Approach 275 Kevin Morrell 67. Leading by Biography:Towards a Life-story Approach to the Study ofLeadership 293 Boas Shamir,Hava Dayan-Horesh and Dalya Adler The Cycle ofLeadership and Presidentialism 68. Theory and History, Structure and Agency 315 Stephen Skowronek 69. Response 327 Stephen Skowronek 70. Comments on Theory and History, Structure and Agency 343 Douglas J. Hoekstra 71. What Politics Do Presidents Make? 347 Sidney M.Milkis ContemporaryPopulism 72. Charisma,Leader Effects and Supportfor Right-Wing Populist Parties 361 Wouter van der Brug and Anthony Mughan 73. Political Leadership and the Emergence ofRadical Mass Movements in Democracy 333 ER -