Gupta, Rajni

Plant taxonomy: past, present and future/ Rajni Gupta - New Delhi, India: The Energy and Resources Institute, 2012. - xxi, 349 p

Ethnobotanical Noah’s Ark --
Plant nomenclature: an overview --
Plants of Delhi: Scientific Names and their Meaning --
Species and Speciation --
Modern Tools for identification of Plants --
Plant Taxonomy in Plant Genetic Resource Management --
Indigenous Knowledge of Plants and Biopiracy in India --
Herbaria and Data Information Systems in Plant Taxonomy --
Phylogenetic Systematics --
Plant Anatomy in Relation to Taxonomy --
Chemotaxonomy --
Cytotaxonomy and its Evolution of Orchidaceae and Cyperaceae --
Palynology: Timeline --
Role of Molecular Markers in Evaluation of Plant diversity --
E-flora: the Future of Floristic Documentation.


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