Internal security threats in South Asia/ Dwivedi, Manan - 1st ed. - Delhi: Kalpaz Publications, 2013. - 263 p.

1. The Meaning, Nature and Scope of Security:
An International Relations Perspective
2. Posers of Internal Security: Indian
Institutional Answers and the National
Security Doctrine
3. The Notion of Conflict and its Nature of
4. The Twin Threats of Casteism,
Communalism in India
5. Red Star Over India: Naxalism Revisited and
a Few other Concerns
6. The Volatile Vortex of Extremism and
Inundation in Pakistan
7. Afghanistan Besieged: Security Imperiled
8* The Rise and Upsurge of Islamic
Fundamentalism, Illicit Migration and its
Regional RamiHcations in Bangladesh
9. Internal Security Threats to Maldives:
Turmoil in the Indian Ocean
10. The Indigenous War Against Terror
Mongers; The Prime Anti-National
11. The Myth of Benign Neighbourhood:
Neighbourly Contributions to India's
Internal Security


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