Chang, Kang-Tsung

Introduction to geographic information systems/ Kang-Tsung Chang, - Boston: McGraw Hill, 2010. - 448 p.

1 Introduction /
2 Coordinate Systems 18
3 Vector Data Model 41
4 Raster Data Model 65
5 GIS Data Acquisition 87
6 Geometric Transformation 109
7 Spatial Data Editing 125
8 Attribute Data Management 148
9 Data Display and Cartography 168
10 Data Exploration 198
11 Vector Data Analysis 222
12 Raster Data Analysis 248
13 Terrain Mapping and Analysis 268
14 Viewsheds and Watersheds 291
15 Spatial Interpolation 315
16 Geocoding and Dynamic Segmentation 346
17 Path Analysis and Network Applications 367
18 GIS Models and Modeling 392


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