Modern physics for scientists and engineers/ Morrison,John C. - Burlington: Academic Press/Elsevier, 2010. - xxxvii, 447 p

1. The Wave-Particle Duality 2. The Schrodinger Wave Equation 3. Operators and Waves 4. Hydrogen Aton 5. Many-Electron Atoms 6. The Emergence of Masers and Lasers 7. Statistical Physics 8. Electronic Structure of Solids 9. Charge Carriers in Semiconductors 10. Semiconductor Lasers 11. Relativity I 12. Relativity II 13. Particles Physics 14. Nuclear Physics Appendix A: Natural Constants and Conversion Constants Appendix B: Table of Atomic Masses Appendix C: Solution of the Oscillator Equation Appendix D: The Average Value of the Momentum Appendix E: The Hartree-Fock Applet Appendix F: Integrals that Arise in Statistical Physics Appendix G: The ABINIT Applet


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