Philosophy and the Idea of Freedom/ Bhaskar, Roy - 1st ed. - London: Routledge, 2011-08-30. - 202 p.p.

Section One Anti-Rorty
Part I Knowledge
1 Rorty's account of science
2 Pragmatism, epistemology and the inexorability of
Part II Agency
3 The essential tension of Philosophy and the Mirror of
Nature - or a tale of two Rortys
4 How is freedom possible?
Part III Politics
5 Self-defining versus social engineering - poetry and
politics: the problem-field of Contingency, irony and
6 Rorty's apologetics
Part IV Kibitzing
7 Reference, fictionalism and radical negation
8 Rorty's changing conceptions of philosophy
Section Two For Critical Realism


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