Contemporary political thought/ a reader and guide edited by Alan Finlayson - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, c2003. - xiv, 674 p

Section 1 Histories, Interpretations and Precursors
1 Political Theory in the Twentieth Century
John Seery
2 Interpreting Political Thought Melissa Lane
Questions for Discussion
Further Reading "
Section 2 Traditions and their Discontents
' Introduction
3 Liberalisms Mark Evans
4 Conservatisms Alan Finlayson
5 Marxisms and Post-Marxisms Terrell Carver
Questions for Discussion
Further Reading
Section 3 Alternative Visions and Revisions
6 C>ommunitarianism Mike Kenny
7 Feminism Kate Nash
8 Ecologism and Environmentalism Tim Hayivard
9 Poststructuralism and Postmodernism
lain MacKenzie
Questions for Discussion
Further Reading
Section 4 New Directions?
10 Multiculturalism and the Theory and Practice ot
Normative Political Theory Adrian Fai'ell and
Tariq Modood
1 1 Political Thought Beyond the Western Tradition
Oliver Lcainan
12 Democratic Theory for a New Cientury
Anna Marie Smith
Questions for Discussion
Further Reading

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