Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics/ : Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium 2-6 September, 2002 Pruhonice Near Prague, Czech Republic Kvasil,J. [ed.] - New jersey: World Scientific Pub Co Inc, 2003. - 867

Opening and banquet talks. An excursion through the nuclear many-body landscape / K. Heyde --
Fifty years of neutron capture / R.E. Chrien --
Nuclear structure. Critical point symmetries and phase transitional behavior in nuclei / R.F. Casten --
Landau theory of phase transitions and nuclear groundstate deformation / J. Jolie [and others] --
Microscopic foundations of nuclear supersymmetry / H.B. Geyer and P. Cejnar --
A new algorithm for diagonalizing large Hamiltonian matrices and its application to nuclear shell model / F. Andreozzi, A. Porrino and N. Lo Iudice --
Coulomb energy differences as a probe of nuclear structure / D.D. Warner --
Photoactivation of long-lived isomers and its relevance to nuclear structure physics, [gamma]-laser schemes, and nucleosynthesis / U. Kneissl --
Isospin symmetry and rotational collectivity in odd-odd N = Z nuclei / A.F. Lisetskiy [and others] --
Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov description of nuclei far from stability / G.A. Lalazissis, P. Ring and D. Vretenar --
Low-lying positive parity modes in nearly spherical nuclei / Ch. Stoyanov and N. Lo Iudice --
Evolution of mixed-symmetry states near shell closures / N. Pietralla [and others] --
Multiphonon vibrational excitations in nearly spherical nuclei / S.W. Yates --
The phase/shape transition critical point and the interacting boson model / N.V. Zamfir and G.E. Fernandes --
Search for experimental evidence supporting the multiphonon description of excited states in [symbol]Sm / D.G. Burke --
Transition matrix elements in neutron-rich fission fragments / R. Krücken [and others] --
Self-consistent harmonic oscillator model and tilted rotation / R.G. Nazmitdinov --
Self-consistent Skyrme-RPA approach with factorized residual interaction / V.O. Nesterenko [and others] --
Isovector excitations near the N = 50 shell closure / V. Werner [and others] --
Comprehensive spectroscopic studies of [symbol]Cd / P.E. Garrett [and others] --
Intruder bands and configuration mixing in the lead isotopes / R. Fossion [and others] --
Structure of excited K = 0+ bands in [symbol]Er / A. Linnemann [and others] --
Interplay of quasiparticle and vibrational states in W isotopes / P. Alexa [and others] --
Systematics of E1 two-phonon excitations around shell closures from nuclear resonance fluorescence experiments / H.H. Pitz [and others] --
M1 low-energy excitations in heavy odd-mass nuclei: are they scissors modes? / J.G. Hirsch, C.E. Vargas and J.P. Draayer --
Nuclear reactions. Knockout reactions in inverse kinematics: a precision tool for nuclear spectroscopy / P.G. Hansen --
Radiative neutron and proton capture: pre-equilibrium approach / E. Bĕták [and others] --
The consistent direct-semidirect model for radiative capture of nucleons / A. Likar [and others] --
Fast-neutron-induced fission studied by gamma spectroscopy / R.O. Nelson [and others] --
Exotic orbital modes in nuclei / P. von Neumann-Cosel --
Interaction at the barrier of light/loosely bound halo projectiles / C. Signorini. The giant dipole resonance: its role in neutron capture / S.F. Mughabghab --
An interpretation of the anomalous bump in keV-neutron capture [gamma]-ray spectra of lanthanide nuclides / M. Igashira, M. Kawasaki and T. Ohsaki --
Radiative strength functions from partial capture cross section measurements / Yu. P. Popov [and others] --
Nuclear astrophysics. Nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics / A. Aprahamian --
Stellar neutron captures on unstable isotopes / F. Käppeler --
Low energy proton-radiative-capture measurements and astrophysical S-factors / H.R. Weller --
Capture gamma reaction rates at stellar energies by the asymptotic normalization coecient method / R.E. Tribble [and others] --
Critical role of (n, [gamma]) reaction of light nuclei in nuclear astrophysics / Y. Nagai [and others] --
Nuclear physics issues of the r-process / F.-K. Thielemann [and others] --
Constraints on the [symbol] reaction rate from [symbol]Mg + n total and [symbol] cross sections / P.E. Koehler --
r-process signatures: observations versus model predictions / K.-L. Kratz and B. Pfeiffer --
Reaction rates and nuclear properties relevant for nucleosynthesis in massive stars and far from stability / T. Rauscher, C. Fröhlich and K.H. Guber --
Mass measurement of [symbol]Y by [beta] --
[gamma] coincidence spectroscopy / D.S. Brenner [and others] --
Gamma-spectroscopic study of the r-process waiting-point nuclide [symbol]Cd / I. Dillmann [and others] --
A systematic study of proton-capture cross sections in the Se-Sb region with relevances to the p-process nucleosynthesis / S. Harrisopulos [and others] --
Measurement of the [symbol] reaction cross sections by prompt [gamma]-ray detection methods at thermal and keV energies / T. Ohsaki [and others] --
Statistical properties of nuclei. Microscopic nuclear level densities by the shell model Monte Carlo method / Y. Alhassid --
Determining nuclear level densities / G.E. Mitchell [and others] --
Statistical aspects of the shell-model: broken isospin symmetry / J.F. Shriner Jr., G.E. Mitchell and B.A. Brown --
Pairing and isospin dependence of chaos in nuclei / J.M.G. Gómez, R. Molina and J. Retamosa --
Systematics of nuclear level density parameters / D. Bucurescu and T. von Egidy --
Improved microscopic nuclear level densities / P. Demetriou and S. Goriely --
Quantum chaos and symmetries in nuclear spectroscopy / J. Tambergs, T. Krasta and O. Dumbrājs --
Comparison of analytical methods of E1 strength calculations in middle and heavy nuclei / V.A. Plujko and O.O. Kavatsyuk --
Radiative strength functions and level densities / A. Schiller [and others] --
Level density and strength function from quasicontinuous decay of superdeformed excitations in lead nuclei / J.A. Cizewski, M. Johnson and D.P. McNabb --
Experimental facilities. FIGARO: measuring neutron emission spectra with a white neutron source / R.C. Haight [and others] --
Neutron capture measurements at the CERN-nTOF facility for ADS applications / F. Gunsing and the nTOF Collaboration. How far can we push ultra high resolution gamma spectroscopy / M. Jentschel, H. Börner and P. Mutti --
Nuclear structure studies of exotic nuclei using an array of BaF[symbol] detectors / H. Mach [and others] --
DANCE: a 4[pi] barium fluoride detector for measuring neutron capture on unstable nuclei / J.L. Ullmann [and others] --
MINIBALL: a gamma-ray spectrometer for exotic beams / N. Warr [and others] --
Nuclear data. Nuclear modeling of (n, x[gamma]) reactions and determination of partial cross sections / M.B. Chadwick [and others] --
New capture gamma-ray library and atlas of spectra for all elements / R.B. Firestone, Zs. Revay and G.L. Molnar --
EMPIRE-II: application to radiative neutron capture / M. Herman --
New intensities for high energy gamma-ray standards / G.L. Molnár, Zs. Révay and T. Belgya --
Applications. Thin film analysis via resonant nuclear reaction analysis: ion-beam mixing and laser surface reactions / K.P. Lieb [and others] --
Use of the crystal diffraction method to study the transmutation of long-lived nuclides / V.L. Alexeev, V.V. Fedorov and V.L. Rumiantsev --
Measurements of neutron capture cross sections relevant for nuclear waste transmutation, by [gamma] and [alpha] spectroscopy / O. Deruelle [and others] --
The resonance detector spectrometer for neutron spectroscopy in the eV energy region / A. Pietropaolo [and others] --
The cold neutron PGAA-NIPS Facility at the Budapest research reactor / T. Belgya [and others] --
Fundamental physics. High resolution [gamma]-ray spectroscopy at BNL --
breaking the strangeness barrier / R.E. Chrien --
Effect of the H-atom zero-point motion on the Doppler width of the n-p capture gamma line / R. Moreh and D. Nemirovsky --
Test of time reversal invariance in free neutron decay with trine / T. Soldner [and others] --
[symbol]Be and [symbol]B hypernuclei: a clue to puzzles in nonleptonic weak decays / L. Majling [and others] --
Poster contributions. The [symbol]Ta production puzzle and the classical s-process / P. Alexa [and others] --
Raman spectroscopy of irradiated tissue samples / P. Alexa [and others] --
Upgraded 4-meter Cauchois crystal diffraction spectrometer GSK-2M in Gatchina / V.L. Alexeev and V.L. Rumiantsev --
Classification of nuclear states in unitary scheme basis for strictly restricted dynamics model / A. Andrejevs [and others] --
Possible evidence for triaxial shape in the odd-odd nucleus [symbol]Ir / M. Balodis [and others] --
Non-rotational states of [symbol]Dy / J. Bērziņš [and others] --
Improved accuracy (n, [gamma]) measurement at nTOF / C. Domingo and the nTOF Collaboration --
Strictly restricted dynamics model calculations with quadrupole interaction / A. Dzalbs [and others] --
Laue diffraction method of a neutron EDM search. Project of the experiment / V.V. Fedorov [and others] --
Atomic shell ionization by the heated nuclei / S.N. Fedotkin --
Investigating low-spin states in [symbol]Zr with inelastic neutron scattering / C. Fransen [and others]. High-energy gamma-ray spectroscopy by high-resolution spectrometer: HHS / K. Furutaka [and others] --
Algebraic approach to pairing correlations in exotic Z [symbol] N nuclei / A.I. Georgieva, K.D. Sviratcheva and J.P. Draayer --
Spectroscopy of [symbol]Gd / C. Granja [and others] --
Determination of the capture to the fission cross-section ratio by the measurements of the gamma-rays coincidence multiplicity spectra at neutron resonance absorption by [symbol]U / Yu. V. Grigoriev [and others] --
Se(p, [gamma]) cross section measurements for p-process studies / Gy. Gyürky [and others] --
Nuclear structure of [symbol]Te studied with (n, [gamma]) and [symbol] reactions and interpreted with IBFM and QPM / J. Honzátko [and others] --
Measurement of the modified conversion ratio of [symbol]U by gamma-ray spectrometry on an irradiated fuel pin / J.P. Hudelot, P. Fougeras and S. Cathalau --
Methodological tests of prompt gamma-ray spectroscopy for (n, xn) cross section measurements at various facilities / E. Jericha [and others] --
Gamma softness and proton-neutron interaction in the N = Z nucleus [symbol]Ge / K. Kaneko, M. Hasegawa and T. Mizusaki --
The method for a simultaneous estimation of level density and radiative strength functions of dipole [gamma]-transitions in the energy region up to 5-8 MeV / V.A. Khitrov and A.M. Sukhovoj --
The features of the energy dependence of level density and radiative strength functions of heavy nuclei below 5-8 MeV / V.A. Khitrov and A.M. Sukhovoj --
Main pecularities of the transformation process of nuclear low-lying levels into the Bohr's compound states / V.A. Khitrov and A.M. Sukhovoj --
On possibility to obtain a bulk of new spectroscopic information for even-even fissile nuclei in energy interval below 6 MeV / V.A. Khitrov [and others] --
The experimental and calculated total [gamma]-ray spectra and population of levels up to 3 MeV of heavy nuclei / V.A. Khitrov, A.M. Sukhovoj and E.P. Grigoriev --
Measurements of neutron capture cross sections for Dy isotopes in the energy region from 10 to 90 keV / G.N. Kim [and others] --
Evidence for M1 scissors resonances built on [symbol]Dy levels in the quasicontinuum / M. Krtička [and others] --
Prompt gamma-ray activation analysis for determination of boron in aqueous solutions / P. Kudĕjová [and others] --
Thermal neutron capture branching ratio of [symbol]Bi using a gamma-ray technique / A. Letourneau [and others] --
The RPI multiplicity detector response to [gamma]-ray cascades in [symbol]Sm(n, [gamma]) and [symbol]Sm(n, [gamma]) reactions / M. Lubert [and others] --
Analysis of various detector signals digitized by a 12-bit flash ADC / S. Lukic, P. Baumann and G. Rudolf --
NDP and RBS study of lithium niobate / A. Mackova [and others] --
Collective level structure of even-even actinides / V.M. Maslov [and others] --
Actinide neutron capture cross sections / V.M. Maslov [and others]. Measurement of keV-neutron capture cross sections of [symbol]I / T. Matsumoto, M. Igashira and T. Ohsaki --
Valence-model calculation of low-energy neutron capture cross sections of [symbol]Be and [symbol]C / T. Matsushima [and others] --
Shape transitions in the interacting boson model at finite temperature / A. Mengoni, A. Ventura and R. Capote --
Quadrupole-octupole collectivity and staggering effects in nuclear rotational spectra / N. Minkov and S. Drenska --
Rigorous extrapolation technique for shell model calculations / T. Mizusaki --
The importance of parity-dependence of the nuclear level density in the prediction of astrophysical reaction rates / D. Mocelj [and others] --
Level densities of N [symbol] Z nuclei using exact isospin projection in the shell model Monte Carlo method / H. Nakada and Y. Alhassid --
Dependence of nuclear level density on vibrational state damping / V.A. Plujko and A.N. Gorbachenko --
Shape of dipole radiative strength function for asymmetric nuclei / V.A. Plujko, M.O. Kavatsyuk and O.O. Kavatsyuk --
Microscopic study of [symbol]Gd / G. Popa [and others] --
Measurement of keV-neutron capture cross section of [symbol]Bi / K. Saito [and others] --
Gamow-Teller strength distributions in proton-rich Sr isotopes / P. Sarriguren, E. Moya De Guerra and E. Escuderos --
The systematics of dipole modes in the even-even Hf nuclei / M. Scheck [and others] --
Inclusive and stripping breakup in the system [symbol]Li + [symbol]Pb at Coulomb barrier energies / C. Signorini [and others] --
Web-based nuclear data information for astrophysics / M.C. Smith and R.A. Meyer --
Compilation of gamma-ray spectra from neutron and proton resonances / Z.N. Soroko, S.I. Sukhoruchkin and D.S. Sukhoruchkin --
Tuning effects in nuclear excitations and binding energies / S.I. Sukhoruchkin --
Algebraic Sp(4) pairing model and its non-linear extension / K.D. Sviratcheva [and others] --
Systematic analysis of neutron-rich even-even carbon isotopes / G. Thiamova [and others] --
Optical precession of cold neutron spin in a noncentrosymmetric crystal / V.V. Voronin [and others].


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