Proceedings of the XV international conference on Laser spectroscopy/ Chu,Steven...[et al ] [ed.] - 1st.ed. - New Jersey: World scientific, 2002. - 368

Invited talks -- Quantum degenerate gases. Quantum implosions and explosions in a [symbol]Rb BEC / C.E. Wieman ... [et al.] -- Bose-Einstein condensation of metastable helium: some experimental aspects / C.I. Westbrook ... [et al.] -- Coherent dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates in a 1D optical lattice / M. Inguscio ... [et al.] -- [symbol]Li and [symbol]Li: non-identical twins / R.G. Hulet ... [et al.] -- Quantum degenerate bosonic and fermionic gases: a [symbol]Li Bose-Einstein condensate immersed in a [symbol]Li Fermi sea / C. Salomon ... [et al.] -- Optical trapping of a two-component Fermi gas / J.E. Thomas ... [et al.] -- Atomic collisions in tightly confined ultra-cold gases / G.V. Shlyapnikov, D.S. Petrov and M.A. Baranov -- Nucleation of vortices in a rotating Bose-Einstein condensate / Y. Castin and S. Sinha -- Resonance wuperfluidity in a quantum degenerate Fermi gas / S. Kokkelmans ... [et al.] -- Harmonic potential traps for excitons in 3D and 2D / D.W. Snoke ... [et al.] -- Precision measurements. Measuring the frequency of light with ultra short pulses / T.W. Hansch ... [et al.] -- Coherent optical frequency synthesis and distribution / J. Ye ... [et al.] -- A single [symbol]Hg+ ion optical clock / J.C. Bergquist ... [et al.] -- Atomic clocks and cold atom scattering / K. Gibble ... [et al.] -- Continuous coherent Lyman-[symbol] excitation of atomic hydrogen / K.S.E. Eikema ... [et al.] -- A measurement of the fine structure constant / J.M. Hensley ... [et al.] -- Towards gravitational wave astronomy-from Earth and from space / K. Danzmann and A. Rudiger -- Quantum manipulation. An interferometer with a mesoscopic beam splitter: an experiment on complementarity and entanglement / J.M. Raimond ... [et al.] -- Cavity QED with cold atoms / H.J. Kimble and J. McKeever -- Single-atom motion in optical cavity QED / G. Rempe ... [et al.] -- Optical cooling in high-Q multimode cavities / H. Ritsch ... [et al.] -- Single-ions interfering with their mirror images / J. Eschner ... [et al.] -- Advantages and limits to laser cooling in optical lattices / D.S. Weiss -- Coherent tunneling and quantum control in an optical double-well potential / P.S. Jessen ... [et al.] -- Cold atoms in an amplitude modulated optical lattice-dynamcial tunnelling / W.K. Hensinger ... [et al.] -- Photonic information storage and quantum information processing in atomic ensembles / M.D. Lukin ... [et al.] -- Experimental evidence of bosonic statistics and dynamic BEC of exciton polaritons in GaAs and CdTe quantum well microcavities / Y. Yamamoto ... [et al.] -- Theoretical aspects of practical quantum key distribution / N. Lutkenhaus. Biophysics. Diagnosing invisible cancer with tri-modal spectroscopy / M.S. Feld, M.G. Muller and I. Georgakoudi -- New advances in coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy / J.-X. Cheng ... [et al.] -- In vivo diffuse optical spectroscopy and imaging of blood dynamics in brain / A.G. Yodh ... [et al.] -- Selected papers -- Quantum degenerate gases. Speedy BEC in a tiny trap: coherent matter waves on a microchip / J. Reichel ... [et al.] -- Bose-Einstein condensate in a surface micro trap / J. Fortagh ... [et al.] -- Observation of irrotational flow and vorticity in a Bose-Einstein condensate / G. Hechenblaikner ... [et al.] -- Phase fluctuations in elongated 3D-condensates / P. Ryytty ... [et al.] -- Precision measurements. Francium spectroscopy and a possible measurement of the nuclear anapole moment / S. Aubin ... [et al.] -- Merging two independent femtosecond lasers into one / L.-S. Ma ... [et al.] -- Ferromagnetic waveguides for atom interferometry / W. Rooijakkers, M. Vengalattore and M. Prentiss -- Quantum manipulation. Coherent manipulation of cold atoms in optical lattices for a scalable quantum computation system / C. Chin ... [et al.] -- Pump-probe spectroscopy and velocimetry of a slow beam of cold atoms / G. Di Domenico, G. Mileti and P. Thomann -- Ground state laser cooling of trapped atoms using electromagnetically induced transparency / J. Eschner ... [et al.] -- Dissociation dynamics of a H[symbol] ionic beam in intense laser fields-high resolution of the fragments' kinetic energy / H. Figger ... [et al.] -- Quantum computation in a one-dimensional crystal lattice with nuclear magnetic resonance force microscopy / J.R. Goldman ... [et al.] -- Sideband cooling and spectroscopy of strontium atoms in the Lamb-Dicke confinement / T. Ido, M. Kuwata-Gonokami and H. Katori -- Sympathetic cooling of lithium by laser-cooled cesium / S. Kraft ... [et al.] -- Deterministic delivery of a single atom / S. Kuhr ... [et al.] -- Cavity-QED with a single trapped [symbol]-ion / G.R. Guthohrlein ... [et al.] -- Triggered single photons from a quantum dot / C. Santori ... [et al.] -- "Superluminal" and subluminal propagation of an optical pulse in a high-Q optical micro-cavity with a few cold atoms / Y. Shimizu ... [et al.] -- Narrow-line cooling of calcium / U. Sterr ... [et al.] -- Biophysics. mTHPC fluorescence as a pH-insensitive tumor marker in a combined photodynamic diagnosis and photodynamic therapy treatment of malignant brain tumors / M. Ritsch-Marte, A. Zimmermann and H. Kostron.


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