Alternative approaches in music education: case studies from the field/ edited by Ann C. Clements - 1st.ed. - Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2010. - xv, 313 p.

Chapter 1 Preface Part 2 Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade Case Studies Chapter 3 Opening Spaces in the Instrumental Music Classroom Chapter 4 Guitar Class and the Popular Music Ensemble Chapter 5 Toward a New Conception of World Music Education: The Virtual Field Experience Chapter 6 Discovering World Music and Children's Worlds - Pedagogy Responding to Children's Learning Needs Chapter 7 The Lakewood Project: Rockin' Out with Informal Learning Chapter 8 Music Tech, Adaptive Music, and Rock Band 101: Engaging Middle School-Age Students in General Music Class Chapter 9 Rock 'n' Roll High School: A Genre Comes of Age in the Curriculum Chapter 10 Lead Lines, Licks and Everything In-between: Popular Music in a Preschool Music Classroom Chapter 11 Starting Young: Developing a Successful Instrumental Music Program in Kindergarten Chapter 12 Music in Cyberspace: Exploring New Models in Education Chapter 13 Exploring the Creation of Music through Film Scoring Chapter 14 Alternatives to Music Education: East Meets West in Music Education Chapter 15 Steel Drums in a Middle School Setting Chapter 16 Talkin' Turkey: Incorporating Music from Turkey in the Elementary General Music Class Chapter 17 Enhancing the Instrumental Music Program with Creativity Part 18 School to Community and Higher Education Case Studies Chapter 19 O Passo (The Step): A Critical Pedagogy for Music Education from Brazil Chapter 20 Cultural Bearers in the Children's Choral Ensemble Chapter 21 A Unique Collaboration: The Fairview Elementary School String Project Chapter 22 New Wine in Old Skins: Making Music with Older Adults Chapter 23 Compose Yourself: Older People and Garage Band Chapter 24 Democratic Jazz: Two Perspectives on a Collaborative Improvisation Jazz Workshop Chapter 25 If the Shoe Fits . . . Tapping into the Potential of an Undergraduate Peer Teaching Experience to Promote Music-Teacher and Music-Teacher-Educator Socialization and Identity Chapter 26 Crossing Borders: Building Bridges for an International Exchange in Music Teacher Education Chapter 27 The Rock Project: Informal Learning in Secondary General Methods Chapter 28 Rekindling the Playful Spirit: Learning to Teach through Play


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