Sheeler, Phillip

Cell and Molecular Biology/ Phillip Sheeler, & Donald E. Bianchi. - 8th Edition - New Delhi: LWW, 2001. - 734 p.

CELLS AND CELL GROWTH: The Cell: An Introduction; Cell Growth and Proliferation; MOLECULAR CONSTITUENTS OF CELLS: Cellular Chemistry; The Cellular Macromolecules: Proteins; The Cellular Macromolecules: Polysaccharides; The Cellular Macromolecules: Lipids; The Cellular Macromolecules: Nucleic Acids; CELL METABOLISM: Enzymes; Bioenergetics; Cell Metabolism; Metabolic Regulation; TOOLS AND METHODS OF CELL BIOLOGY: Fractionation of Tissues and Cells; The Isolation and Characterization of Cellular Macromolecules; Radioactive Isotopes as Tracers in Cell Biology; STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF THE MAJOR CELL ORGANELLES: The Plasma Membrane and the Endoplasmic Reticulum; The Mitochondrion; The Chloroplast; The Golgi Apparatus; Lysosomes and Microbodies; The Nucleus: Organization and Division; The Nucleus and Molecular Genetics; Ribosomes and the Synthesis of Proteins; The Cytoplasmic Matrix; SPECIAL CELL FUNCTIONS: Cellular Differentiation and Specialization; Immunity and Cancer.


Molecular Biology.

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